September 20, 2023 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time
Tampa Convention Center [Lower Level - Ballroom D]
William C. Helm, II, AIA CNU-A
Located in a fast-growing part of the Chihuahuan Desert, the new multi-generational recreation center and water park is the first component of a 92-acre regional park, transforming an extreme, high-altitude desert basin into an inviting oasis for the community. The talk will highlight four key program areas and their support spaces: outdoor water park, natatorium (50-meter competition pool), gymnasium, and community center. Attendees will also learn about a public art installation by Dallas-based artist Brad Goldberg. Public design meetings resulted in a concept that consolidates the citizens’ insights into a formal expression which reflect the colors, forms, and light of the desert environment. The project relates to the nearby Hueco Tanks State Park, a destination for people in earlier times where they harvested rainwater pooled in the natural rock basins. Modulation of light guided the design concept throughout the project. Articulation of humble materials led to a range of experiences throughout the building. Shade structures, tilt-wall concrete, wood slats, and perforated metal filter light and views throughout the interior in ways appropriate to the desert context. Local, water-conserving vegetation and arroyos surrounding the building minimize water diversion and recognize the biodiversity of the Chihuahuan Desert. The project has won local and state AIA Design Honor Awards and has been published in Metropolis magazine and Texas Architect magazine.
ICONX LLC produces and distributes the IconX Shear Connector line. The foundational goal while developing the IconX System was to create a shear connector to make insulated wall panels longer, ... continue reading >
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