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Based in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, TCA headquarters is the office for TCA Executive Director Mitch Bloomquist, Manager for Regulatory and Technical Affairs Jim Baty, FACI and the rest of the Association’s dedicated staff.

Meet TCA leadership >


Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA)
402 1st Avenue SE
P.O. Box 204
Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314

Phone: (319) 895-6911
Fax: (320) 213-5555

TCA WEBSITE - www.tilt-up.org

TCA’s website has evolved to be the strongest collection of information, resources and evidence of modern tilt-up construction. The site features historical content, information about the Association and the network, technical solutions, resources, event information, and an ever-expanding project database where more than 1,500 projects can be searched by project type, location and more.


While there is some validity in maintaining a presence on each of the major social media platforms, simply because people and businesses favor one over the others and it is important to reach everyone that you can, we believe that there is a better reason. Each platform exists and thrives in its own way and should be used in a manner that plays to its specific strengths. Sure, there is some redundancy of a few bits of information, but conceptually we are using each of the platforms differently.