A primary benefit of an industry trade group such as the TCA is advocacy, or working on your behalf. As a single company or as many individual companies, the ability to bring about change, develop and implement standards, raise awareness and support safe and intelligent practices is a near impossibility.
Leading TCA members and TCA staff are active members of key committees for the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Through these committees, industry practices become standards and guides. ACI 117, the manual of tolerances used by engineers and architects world wide now includes a dedicated section on tilt-up concrete, largely developed through TCA resources. ACI 301, the standard specification for concrete recommended for engineers and architects, now incorporates a specific section on tilt-up concrete, largely developed from the base three-part specification crafted by the TCA. ACI 551, the Tilt-Up Concrete Committee has published state-of-the-art guides for the construction of tilt-up and the engineering design of common tilt-up elements.
TCA staff has established participation at meetings of the Advisory Council for Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH). This council was put in place by OSHA as a way of investigating issues that may lead to or change regulations related to construction safety practices or health concerns. Through this involvement, the industry is able to weigh in on development issues, be advised of pending regulatory action and provide statistics to support or refute proposed development.
TCA staff maintains rigorous attention to the volume of articles published annually in relation to the tilt-up industry. Strategic efforts are made at researching, writing and publishing articles that further define the state-of-the-art for this industry as well as support the industry in the face of pressure. For example, TCA’s Natural Disaster Task Force challenged the claims made against tilt-up construction following catastrophic wind storms. The report generated evidences the strength and durability of tilt-up concrete wall panels while establishing the concern for underestimated pressures and weaknesses in companion building systems. Similar efforts were put forth decades ago during earthquakes in California and more recently for the seismic events in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The TCA participates as a founding and contributing member to the Alliance for Concrete Codes and Standards. This industry alliance brings together the major associations and related interests with focus on concrete to share the responsibility for oversight and development of major industry codes and standards. Through the efforts of ACCS, TCA is advised to take positions of support or refute on issues concerning ASCE, BSSC, ACI, IBC, NEHERP and a variety of other major industry bodies.
The TCA is also a member of the North American Concrete Alliance (NACA).Formed in 2004, NACA is a coalition of eleven concrete and cement-related associations dedicated to addressing industry-wide priorities in the areas of research, safety, education and government affairs. Cement and concrete product manufacturing directly or indirectly employs approximately half a million people, and our collective industries contribute approximately $100 billion to the U.S. economy.