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TILT Expo Eve

October 3, 2022 from 7:00pm to 10:00pm Mountain Standard Time

Meow Wolf Denver

TCA's young professional’s collaborative, TILT, invites all emerging leaders to join them for a late night of shenanigans at Meow Wolf’s third permanent exhibition in Denver, CO, on the eve of convention 2022.

Convergence Station is unforgettable, transformational, and not to be missed. Discover immersive psychedelic, mind-bending art and an underlying rich narrative as you take a journey of discovery into a surreal, science-fictional epic. The 4-story immersive art exhibition is home to 70+ unique installations, rooms, and portals. Together, they tell an unforgettable, cathartic tale of converged worlds. Arrive as you. Leave transformed.

Space is limited and registration is required. Be sure to select TILT Expo Eve at registration to reserve your spot.

Board bus outside of the Hyatt lobby at 6:45pm. A ticket will be printed with your badge. Exchange it for a wristband at registration or prior to boarding the bus. Attendees must have a wristband to attend.

Meow Wolf began in 2008 as an informal DIY collective of Santa Fe artists. These collaborative roots lay the foundation for Meow Wolf's distinctive style of immersive, maximalist environments that encourage audience participation.

Watch their orgin story >

Registered Attendees

The following individuals are registered for this session. If you are not currently registered and would like to add this event to your registration, please contact astolte@tilt-up.org or call the TCA at (319) 895-6911. Space is limited.

Aaron Bagwell - Panel Masters, Inc.

Aaron Barteau - Insteel Engineered Products

Aaron Daugherty - Frontline Concrete Contracting LLC

Abbie Stolte - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Abel Martin - Encore Concrete Construction LLC

Abraham Romero -

Adam Caresani - Dayton Superior Corporation

Adriel Espinoza - Cerris Builders

Alyssa Walker - raSmith

Andrew Goldberg - White Cap

Angelo Nero - Lithko Contracting, LLC

Antonio Rios - Frontline Concrete Contracting LLC

Armando Perez - Lithko Contracting, LLC

Ben Brovont - Procon, Inc.

Ben Douglas - American Contractors Supply

Ben Zimmerman - Procon, Inc.

Bill Gillen - IKON Construction

Bo Scribner - Cerris Builders

Brady Woods - Cerris Builders

Brandon Mitchell - Procon, Inc.

Brandon Petri - Lithko Contracting, LLC

Brandon Sleeman - Hughes General Contractors

Brennan Doherty - MIFAB Inc

Brett Mahon - Dayton Superior Corporation

Cade Mendenhall - Lithko Contracting, LLC

Cam Roy - RAM Construction Inc.

Chad Armand - IKON Construction

Chad Marshall - Evans General Contractors

Chad Westall - Custom Rock Formliner

Chelsea Serrano-Piche - Powers Brown Architecture

Clay Fischer and 1 guest -

Cliff Saunders - GluDown, Inc.

Clint Watson - Cerris Builders

Cody Fisher - Insteel Engineered Products

Cody Kringlie - IKON Construction

Colton Conn - GluDown, Inc.

Connor Beck - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Curtis Skou - Hughes General Contractors

CW Webb - Bennett & Pless Inc.

Dan Dolson - Dayton Superior Corporation

Dan Pratt - Hughes General Contractors

Danial Ray and 1 guest - ARCO Design/Build Inc.

Daniel Masten - Hughes General Contractors

Daniel Sanchez - Frontline Concrete Contracting LLC

Darian St Michael - Hughes General Contractors

Darren McGonigle - Konecranes, Inc.

David Krahn - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

Dessiret Adames - Contratistas Civiles y Mecanicos CCM

Destry Kenning - SureBuilT Concrete Forms & Accessories

Dominic Mirizzi and 1 guest - SMBH, Inc.

Don Lindau - Dayton Superior Corporation

Doug Maclam - Konecranes, Inc.

Dylan Field - Insteel Engineered Products

Dylan James - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

Emmanuel Angel - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Eric Kania - Alston Construction Company

Erik Anderson - Wright Engineers

Ethan Hall - Citadel Contractors, Inc.

Francisco Adames Jr - Contratistas Civiles y Mecanicos CCM

Frank Seymour - Dayton Superior Corporation

Gary Fischer - Woodland Tilt-Up

Gary Rainey - White Cap

Gary Tyler - Hughes General Contractors

Geoff Krahn - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

George Evans - Frontline Concrete Contracting LLC

Grainne Warren - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

Greg Krahn - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

Harold Ramirez - Woodland Tilt-Up

Heath Michel - Pinnacle Structural Engineers

Heather Kirpatrick - Innovative Brick Systems, LLC

Hu Montague - Diligent Services, Inc.

Ian Jacobson - McFadden & Miller

Inez Rangel - Cerris Builders

Jack Neubert - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Jackie Burke - B.D. Stevens Limited

Jacob Reuter - American Contractors Supply

James R. Baty - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Jason Richardson - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Jay Andrus -

Jed Haacke - Hughes General Contractors

Jeff Knoblauch - RAM Construction Inc.

Jeff Shelton - Beedie

Jeffrey Brown - Powers Brown Architecture

Jennifer Grosshans - Panel Masters, Inc.

Jeremy Wingfield - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Jill Heald - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Joel Grosshans - Panel Masters, Inc.

Joey Rhodes - Cerris Builders

John Hoffschneider - All-Phase Concrete Construction

John Paesano - White Cap

John White - McFadden & Miller

Josh Thomas - Cerris Builders

JR Hoffschneider - All-Phase Concrete Construction

Juan Adames - Contratistas Civiles y Mecanicos CCM

Justin McCarthy and 1 guest - Honolulu Builders, LLC

Karen S. Hand - Needham DBS

Katt Price - schaefer

Kevin Schrock - Architectural Polymers Inc.

Kristin McKenzie - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Kyle Eason - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Kyle Rutledge - Cerris Builders

Lafond Luke - B.D. Stevens Limited

Lan Moody - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Larisa Deli - HSA & Associates

Leo Racedo - Evans General Contractors

Lindsey Bloomquist - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Lynn Thomas-Perry - Cresset Chemical Company

Mario Cortes Garica - Riggs Companies LLC

Marissa McCarthy - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Mark Chew - ICC Distribution Group LLC

Mark Lentzkow - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Mark Scott and 1 guest - Innovative Brick Systems, LLC

Mark Spence - Hughes General Contractors

Mark Stevens - B.D. Stevens Limited

Mark Weidhaas - RMG-Rocky Mountain Group

Matt McIntyre - B.D. Stevens Limited

Matt Reuter - American Contractors Supply

Michael Frew - Citadel Contractors, Inc.

Michelle Salazar - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Mike Baty - Cresset Chemical Company

Mitch Bloomquist - Tilt-Up Concrete Association

Nate Scott and 1 guest - Innovative Brick Systems, LLC

Nate Slavens - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Nick Decent - raSmith

Pamela Furneaux - Dayton Superior Corporation

Richard Phifer and 1 guest - PES Structural Engineers

Rick Galloway - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Rick Maciel - CrewTracks

Riley Brosseuk - RJC Engineers

Robert Bailey - DANKO Concrete Construction

Ruben Salazar - Procon, Inc.

Ryan Cotton - Lithko Contracting, LLC

Ryan Duren - BSE Structural Engineers LLC

Ryan Jones - Cerris Builders

Ryan Myers - Cerris Builders

Ryan Sbrusch - Dudley Engineering

Scott Bunney - KB Concrete Systems, Inc.

Scott Collins - Leviat

Scott Johnson - GluDown, Inc.

Scott Ratterman - Cushing Terrell

Scott Spencer - Beedie

Sean Vietti - White Cap

Sean Wonderlich - Needham DBS

Seath Cahley - Beedie

Shane Harris AIA - RGA Architects, Inc.

Shane Walters and 1 guest - Dayton Superior Corporation

Shari Nardello - White Cap

Shawn McNamara - Dayton Superior Corporation

Sheldon Poitra and 1 guest - Greater Georgia Concrete LLC

Sherry Cooney - Innovative Brick Systems, LLC

Stephen Flora - Insteel Engineered Products

Steve Barnhardt - Summitville Thin Brick

Steve Dollar - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Steve Herbert and 1 guest - Whittenberg

Steven Lee - Lithko Contracting, LLC

T J Lambert - Helix Steel

Tanner Cutts - Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Tanner Fowler - Citadel Contractors, Inc.

Tom Devine - North Bloom Construction Group

Travis Davis - Hughes General Contractors

Travis Jennings - BSE Structural Engineers LLC

Tyler Atkins - Macgregor Associates Architects

Tyler Evans - Hughes General Contractors

Tyler Starnes - Evans General Contractors

Wade Ambach - Peak Engineering, Inc.

Walid Salman - Krahn Engineering Ltd.

Whittenberg Breit - Whittenberg

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