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Building Psychological Safety to Address Mental Health

October 5, 2022 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High 1

Dan Lester, MCA

After two years, the stresses of a global pandemic have compounded the existing mental health challenges in the construction industry.  According to the CDC, construction has the highest suicide rate of all industries in the United States.  Construction owners are positioned to increase awareness and champion strategies to counter existing impediments.  The discussion leaders will briefly review relevant data and then focus on a research-driven approach and actionable steps that owners and others can employ to promote mental wellness and create a psychologically safe workplace and supportive job site culture.


  • To build upon an understanding of mental health awareness and its impact on job site safety.
  • To understand psychological safety and its significance in workplace culture.
  • Explore ideas that create an environment that supports a psychologically safe workplace and job site.
  • Describe the importance of psychological safety to drive team performance.

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