Duration: 1 minute
In episode 2, Adult weighs the pros and cons of sending YP to a networking event in Vegas.
Directed by Jacob Moyer
Written and Produced by Mitch Bloomquist
Generational Consultant, Amy Lynch
Adult - Patrick Albanese
Young Professional - McKenzie Paulsen
YP is a young and hip female working to make a difference but struggling understand her place. Adult is a middle-aged man at the top of the corporate ladder just trying to keep things on track. Both fulfill every generational stereotype and are frustrated with each other’s fickle dispositions. Nonetheless, they continue to be surprised and encouraged by their shared interest in their professional organization. More at tilt-up.org/generations. All content copyright Tilt-Up Concrete Association 2020.
Achieving Net Zero Energy with Tilt Wall
50 minutes
We’ve moved on from a time when small consumer decisions like using compostable straws could be considered an adequate response to address climate...
Why is Slump Mandated in Project Specifications?
30 minutes
With the advances in concrete technology over the last 50 years, why is slump still being mandated in project specifications? This presentation will begin...
Better Materials, Better Designs, Better Ways to Build with Concrete
45 minutes
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Structural Engineering Challenges While Designing Tilt-Up Structures
53 minutes
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Building Psychological Safety to Address Mental Health
51 minutes | 1 PDH/LU
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56 minutes | 1 PDH/LU
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A Parametric Study of the New Diaphragm Design Force Methods
55 minutes | 1 PDH/LU
Since its introduction into U.S. building codes and standards, a single generally-accepted method has existed for determining seismic design forces on...
Safety Success through Proper Communication
42 minutes
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The Evolution of Bondbreaker: History, Best Practices, and Troubleshooting
35 minutes | 1 PDH/LU
This presentation will discuss the origins of tilt-up bondbreaker and its evolution over the years to the products we use today. The discussion will also...
Obstacles Facing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
53 minutes
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