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Martin Maintenance and Fleet Dispatch Center

Summarize the project's program, features, and achievements: Martin Concrete Construction's new Maintenance and Fleet Dispatch Center will be the primary location for Martin Concrete's equipment fleet dispatch and maintenance crews. The first level of the building includes 4 oversized bays with an overhead crane and elevator for accessibility. For equipment maintenance, an underground pit is available for crews to easily provide maintenance and inspections to fleet equipment. The building also includes an oversized canopy to serve as an additional outdoor maintenance area and is also large enough to accommodate large cranes used for lifting tilt panels. This location also provides office space for all 5 of Martin Concrete's subsidiary companies and a large, designated training area on the second-floor level. The construction of this building included 27 tilt panels that were each connected directly to the foundation. This 2-story tilt building totaled 21,760 SF and is a unique addition to the Austell community.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project? Some of the obstacles faced during the construction of the maintenance center included the need for multiple crane mobilizations and the stacking of casting beds. This project required 2 crane erection mobilizations due to the constrained site of the project which was located on a hill. Due to the fact that the wall panels did not have any paint and were exposed concrete the casting beds needed to be stacked. Each casting bed was single use in order for there to not be any imperfections in the exposed concrete tilt panels.

Please communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project. ? This building had complexities in the way the panels were set. The panels for the maintenance center all had a panel to foundation connection. The tilt panels were set on the buildings pit walls and continuous footing directly.

What is the potential for this project's impact on the community and/or environment? This project will create more skilled job positions for the community. The Maintenance and Fleet Dispatch center will also be the center hub for all of Martin Concrete's machinery which will eliminate back and forth travel and communication between offices and jobsites with the dispatch and fleet all under one building along with the subsidiary companies.

Main banner image for Martin Maintenance and Fleet Dispatch Center

Project Location

Austell, GA 30168
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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