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Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Company Profile

Martin Concrete Construction was incorporated in 1991 and is headquartered in Kennesaw, GA. In the years since, we have grown into a group of four independent divisions employing over 450 people, all working under the umbrella of Martin Concrete Construction, Inc. Our four independent divisions within Martin Concrete make us the only concrete subcontractor in the Southeast that operates a truly turn-key operation. Not only do we have the workforce for concrete construction, we own and operate cranes, employ and maintain finishing crews and equipment, and have the ability to produce our own concrete on site.


Sustaining Member since 2003

Location (View all locations)

4040 Royal Dr NW Ste 800
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-6475
(770) 795-0406

Primary Contact

Rick Galloway
(770) 826-2476


Contracting: Tilt-Up Sub, Contracting: Concrete Sub, Supplier: Ready Mix

Logo for Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

Representative Work

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TCA Company Certification

Martin Concrete Construction, Inc. is a TCA Certified Company. This is a rigorous standard, which draws on experience and dedication to quality, safety, and good management practices. They have met all requirements outlined in the Tilt-Up Concrete Certification Program Policies and Procedures Manual and have been approved as a TCA Certified Company under the provisions stipulated therein.

TCA Certified Company logo


Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Kyle Eason, Director, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow Board of Directors
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Chair, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Burke Martin, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Tracey Sparger, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Past President, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Past President, Executive Committee
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 5th Annual TCA Classic at Château Élan Golf Club
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Kyle Eason, Director, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow Board of Directors
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Rick Galloway, GCQA, President, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Jeremy Wingfield, Director, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow Board of Directors
Steve Dollar, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Steven Thomas, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Taylor McEachin, Mentee, TILT Mentorship Program
Taylor Wright, Mentee, TILT Mentorship Program
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Panelist, Future Think 4.0 Panel
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Chair, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Burke Martin, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Tracey Sparger, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 4th Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 4th Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2024 - Phoenix
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Speaker - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2023 - Tampa
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Vice President, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Vice President, Executive Committee
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Kyle Eason, Director, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow Board of Directors
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Cyber Roundtable
Steve Dollar, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Steven Thomas, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Taylor McEachin, Mentee, TILT Mentorship Program
Taylor Wright, Mentee, TILT Mentorship Program
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 3rd Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 3rd Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2023 - Tampa
Lan Moody, Speaker - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2022 - Denver
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Secretary, Executive Committee
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Mentor, TILT Mentorship Program
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Secretary, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 2nd Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - 2nd Annual TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Future Think 3.0
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2022 - Denver
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Kyle Eason, Member, Workforce/Market Development COE
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Secretary, Executive Committee
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Secretary, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Secretary, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - TCA Classic at BridgeMill Athletic Club
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Speaker - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Director, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Kyle Eason, Member, Workforce/Market Development COE
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Networking COE
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Co-Chair, Convention Host Committee - Virtual
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Co-Chair, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Kyle Eason, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Tilt-Up Industry Leaders of Tomorrow
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Director, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Kyle Eason, Member, Workforce/Market Development COE
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Networking COE
Kyle Eason, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2019 - Atlanta
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Exhibitor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2019 - Atlanta
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Speaker - Tilt-Up Series: ATL
Rick Galloway, GCQA, Co-Chair, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Kyle Eason, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Jeremy Wingfield, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
Martin Concrete Construction, Inc., Sponsor - Tilt-Up Series: ATL

Recognition (Professional)

Recognition (Project)

Tilt-Up Achievement - USACE Office
Tilt-Up Achievement - Martin Maintenance and Fleet Dispatch Center
Tilt-Up Achievement - Electric Owl Studios
Tilt-Up Achievement - 6200 Redstone Gateway
Tilt-Up Achievement - New Salem 85
Tilt-Up Achievement - Atlanta Community Food Bank
Tilt-Up Achievement - Gulfstream Service Center East
Tilt-Up Achievement - The Edison Chastain
Tilt-Up Achievement - Low Temp Industries
Tilt-Up Achievement - LKQ Office Facility
Tilt-Up Achievement - Southwest 85 Logistics Center
Tilt-Up Achievement - The Battery at SunTrust Park
Tilt-Up Achievement - Martin's Royal Office Build-Out
Tilt-Up Achievement - Riverside A
Tilt-Up Achievement - Mitsubishi HVAC Division Headquarters
Tilt-Up Achievement - Kumho Tire Distribution Facility

Displaying 16 of 16 award-winning projects.


While physical office locations are presented below for this company, it is important to understand that many tilt-up professionals work regionally, nationally, even globally. Listed here are this company's areas of operation/licensure.

US States and Territories: Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arkansas


Martin Concrete Construction, Inc.

4040 Royal Dr NW Ste 800
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-6475

Phone: (770) 795-0406


Concrete, Cranes


TCA's Tilt-Up Academy Private Classrooms offer a dedicated selection of continuing education offerings curated for your organization. Access is streamlined for company employees and reports are submitted to employers for goal tracking. For more information on this program, contact the TCA at (319) 360-8738 or email mbloomquist@tilt-up.org.