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Seretta Construction Austin TX Headquarters

The Seretta Construction Austin Texas Headquarters was completed in the summer of 2019 with it's outstanding features such as 2-color full height thin brick (by Summitville Tiles Inc. and Innovative Brick Systems), insulated sandwich panels (insulation provided by Thermomass), CIP columns, Jointless floors (Komponent by CTS), Helix fibers (for the paving, 2nd floor/mezz and SOG by Helix Steel), Stained concrete (by Scofield), Recessed Seretta logo (in tilt-up panel) in the conference room, Atrium with skylights above, circular window openings, tilt-up monument sign, bondbreaker and cures (by Noxcrete), lift/brace engineering (by CMC Construction Services), Concrete (provided by Tex-Mix), Construction Materials. We greatly appreciate the immaculate beauty and quality of our tilt-up office building with the help of Powers Brown Architecture, Pinnacle Structural Engineers, WUEST civil group, KCI technologies, Raymond Construction Inc. and Seretta Construction Texas, LLC.  
Main banner image for Seretta Construction Austin TX Headquarters

Project Location

Austin, TX
United States

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