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Sierra Pines II

Sierra Pines II is the first of its kind in the state of Texas - a six-story tilt-up office building. Comprised of two stacked panels, the bottom a four-story and the top a two-story, the total height of the panels spans over 90-feet. Phase II follows the highly successful, and prior 2011 TCA Tilt-Up Achievement Award winner, Sierra Pines I in the already highly competitive industry of office space. Considered by many as a Class A office building, Sierra Pines II brings the look and feel that you would expect to see in high-end upscale larger markets to suburban Houston. The building features a two-story lobby, floor-to-ceiling windows, and grand views from upper floors to give the building the feel of a typical cast in place office building. The complex is landscaped with multiple water features and an expansive garden.

Main banner image for Sierra Pines II

Project Location

The Woodlands, TX 77380
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



The excellence designation is given to the highest scoring projects each year representing the top 10-12 projects. Learn more >

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