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Riverside A

When Industrial Developments International (IDI) was looking to develop their business park in Lithia Springs, they turned to Kajima Building & Design Group, Inc. for the project. IDI is a leading owner and operator of industrial distribution facilities across North America since 1989.

The goals for this particular building, Riverside A, were the ability to keep in line with Industrial Developments International's commitment to being "green", quick speed to market, and come in under budget. Tilt-up allowed all three of these goals to be met. Kajima Building and Design Group, Inc. contracted with Martin Concrete Construction, Inc. for the installation of the tilt-up panels. 190 panels were used for the new building, the tallest panel was 44 ft. 11 in., and the heaviest weighed 118,400 lbs. Riverside A boasts a concrete tilt panel shell, 127 dock doors, four drive-in doors, 36-ft. clear ceiling height and 60-ft. column spacing. The building's footprint is 653,484 sq. ft.

This particular building shares a common property line with a Georgia Transmission Corporation substation who has an availability of more than +/- 60MW and requires no easements with third parties.

Main banner image for Riverside A

Project Location

Lithia Springs, GA 30122
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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