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ASU Student Housing

ASU Downtown Housing was a fast paced concrete frame 14 stories above grade with tilt walls stacking up to build the stair wells on each end of the two buildings. Eight panels were stacked on top of each other all the way up past the roof to create a parapet. The walls had to match Architectural CIP Elevator core.

All the panels on the east side had no access for a conventional crane, so the tower crane was used to set them. All the panels were poured at an off site location then unloaded at a single on-site location. The tower crane could not run two lines, so the panels were picked flat for trucking then transferred to the tower crane using top picks in mid-air so the edges would not be damaged.

Specifications required that no patch would be acceptable on panels. All panels met this requirement.

Reaching 138' tall for manpower and bracing was the most difficult obstacle. Bracing was achieved back to the CIP frame or opposite lower panels until the cross beam was installed.


Project Location

Phoenix, AZ
United States

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