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Project Sapphire - TC Ball Facility

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements.

Project Sapphire is an expansion to Ball Corporations group of aluminum cup manufacturing facilities and is located in Bowling Green, KY. This project includes a total of 334,140 SF of production space with multiple slabs on grade thicknesses ranging from 4" – 12" according to the needs of the different production areas. An additional 17,097 SF of office space is included in the facility along with 93,152 SF of warehouse space. Additional features for this manufacturing facility included dock pits, ramps and dock apron with heavy duty paving and 4" thick sidewalks. The new Ball Cup manufacturing facility sits in close proximity to main distribution routes and the production of more aluminum cups will promote recyclability and increased value within the community.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project?

Slabs were poured around the perimeter to keep the panels being formed, prepped, and erected. Major coordination efforts with other subs and GC due to aggressive schedule. Structural steel was being erected while slabs and panels were being poured and lifted. First half of panels were erected in 6 weeks with the second half of the panels being erected two weeks after for a total of 8 weeks. Job was awarded off preliminary drawings so there was a lot of updating pricing when drawing revisions were issued.

Communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project.

The engineering layout of the panels around the electrical room created difficulties in getting the crane close enough to lift the panels safely. A 20' pourback strip was created to avoid a construction joint in a main drive aisle, so braces had to be extended to safely support the panels.

What is the potential for this project's impact on the community and/or environment?

Created several manufacturing jobs to boost the local economy as well as promoting recyclable alternatives for cups as the aluminum cup manufacturing facility will allow for more production of environmentally friendly materials.

Main banner image for Project Sapphire - TC Ball Facility

Project Location

Bowling Green, KY 42101
United States

Project Images


Project Team (TCA Members)