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Mountain Tech 3 Warehouse

Project summary provided by submitting member.

The Mountain Tech 3 building is a 99,506 square foot office warehouse flex building. It is designed to complement the existing adjacent office buildings by the same owner. This is done by utilizing the same window system, colors, and similar massing. The two main corners of the warehouse building are rotated 30 degrees, similar to the adjacent office buildings. The front wall of the building steps out and in 4 feet, each side of the center section of the building. The center section itself steps out 20 feet. This gives an illusion of there being several smaller buildings, rather than the large nearly 100,000 square foot building.The sections of the building that are rotated and that step out, are painted with a darker gray, making them stand out even more. The second level or upper portion of the wall panels have large windows and many of the panels have spandrel glass. The spandrel glass gives the illusion of a ribbon window or continuous glazing. This also give the building more flexibility. The space can be used as warehouse space, or as office space, or a combination of each. The windows also provide lots of natural light as well as great views. The windows and massing make this a class A spec building that can be adapted to multiple uses.

Wall panels are 40-foot-tall and are 8 inches and 9.25 inches in thickness. The height to thickness ration is as much as 60, well above the recommended 48 or 50. Where spandrel glass occurs, the wall panels are only 6 inches thick. The screen walls at each end of the building, used to screen the truck court / loading docks are 25 feet tall and are 12 inches thick. Typically, a 25-foot-long cantilevered concrete element would be 30 inches thick at the base. We maintained a 12" thick section for the full height of these cantilevered panels. The screen walls cantilever 26.5 feet off the footing and are totally unbraced at the top. These walls are designed to withstand out of plane wind and seismic forces.The building is 504 feet long and has only one expansion joint. The expansion joint occurs on a single column line. The joint is created using slotted bearing plates for each joist, allowing expansion and contraction to occur, but still resisting lateral shear forces. There is a single line of braced frames. The roof diaphragm is zoned, for economy. The floor system was originally designed with rebar but was changed to fiber reinforcing.

Main banner image for Mountain Tech 3 Warehouse

Project Location

Lindon, UT


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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