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Treetop Halls Mill

Summarize the project's program, features, and achievements: Treetop Halls Mill is a Class-A industrial warehouse with state-of-the-art cross-docking capabilities situated on 19 acres near the New Jersey Turnpike in Freehold, NJ. The facility boasts over 200,000 square feet of floorspace, including approximately 6,200 square feet of office space, 56 dock positions, and 46' high tilt wall panels. The exterior is embossed with brick-stamped formliner, intricate reveal layouts, embedded steel entry accents and wooden-panel features, giving it a modern look with a variety of textures and colors. The high ceilings can support a variety of office layouts and the advanced entry and docking features make the building optimal for major corporate customers in the shipping, fulfillment, trucking logistics, and warehousing industries.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project? Restricted crane access in combination with the size, weight, and distinct formation of the post-and-lintel shaped entry structures made parts of this project a feat to conquer at the time of panel erection. The atypical mass distribution of these four u-shaped structures posed a lifting engineering challenge that was overcome with tight feedback and cooperation between the Carol Concrete field team and the lifting engineering team. The most challenging of the lifts was the first of the four structures, with each successive lift improving in balance and execution thanks to the team’s efforts to get ahead of potential risks and make proactive adjustments to lift plans with the lift engineers.

Please communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project. ? The aesthetics and ornamental features of the building, particularly at the entrance, presented a unique challenge to the production team. The formliners and reveal designs had to be meticulously laid out and lined up at the time of panel erection such that no unsightly misalignments or disconnects were present in the final product. The General Contractor gave high accolades to the intricate detail and excellent quality of the work on the exterior features.

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Project Location

Freehold, NJ 7728
United States

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