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Velo Delta

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements.

The development consists of a 203,175sq. ft multi dock loading warehouse/distribution center in the Tilbury industry park in Delta, BC, Canada. Tilt wall panels to the exterior of the building in conjunction with two internal brace lines provide the lateral support system. The gravity system is provided by the tilt wall panels to the perimeter of the building with internal structural steel framing consisting of beams and columns (supported off reinforced concrete foundations) providing support to the open web steel joists and metal roof decking. The ground floor consists of an 8" thick slab on grade. During construction a 50ft wide section of the perimeter floor slab was placed as the casting bed for the tilt wall panels. The remainder of the floor slab was placed at the end of the project after the underground services were completed and the building was fully watertight. This allowed for the easy addition of the trench and catch basins to the floor slab which were required by the single tenant user who was not identified until well into the project build. The tilt wall panels to the front elevation of the building consist of spandrel panel legs at the locations of the window openings to allow for the continuation of the spandrel glazing system as required for the architectural design of the building. The erection of the tilt wall panels was carried out in three separate lifts which allowed for a third of the building to be erected, structural steel and metal decking installed up to the internal brace lines allowing for the tilt wall braces to be removed and used for the next phase of the tilt.

Main banner image for Velo Delta

Project Location

Delta, BC V4G 1H1

Project Images


Project Team (TCA Members)