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Novva Data Center

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements.

Novva Data Center is Utah's most eco-friendly, most recent, and largest hyperscale data center solution that provides wholesale and multi-tenant colocation infrastructure services to local, national, and international clients. A colocation center is a data center where companies can rent equipment, space, and bandwidth for computing services. The Novva Data Center is all of this, and much more. The campus will house over 1.5 million square feet of data center space. Novva can accommodate clients from 250KW to 30MW, utilizing Utah's unprecedented connectivity. The facility has state-of-the-art security systems including robotic surveillance. Innovation is at the forefront of everything Novva does, including conservation, sustainability, and resilience. They go beyond purchasing carbon emission credits by utilizing green energy to reduce its environmental impact. The Novva Data Center was imaginatively designed and engineered to utilize solar energy and operate with unique waterless cooling. This is the first facility of its kind. The facility is also designed to match or exceed building code requirements for an essential facility. This class “A+” facility is constructed utilizing tilt-up concrete wall construction. The tilt-up concrete walls act as special reinforced concrete shear walls in conjunction with additional Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames in the data center and Special Moment Frames in the office portion of the facility. The Novva Data Center received the Most Outstanding Project Award from Utah Construction and Design Magazine.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project?

As previously mentioned, the most unique challenge was to create a data center that didn't consume a lot of energy and water, which was a large hurdle to get over, but the engineers on the design team were able to meet the challenge and in doing so have created a new state-of-the-art facility. Another challenge was to create a building that could easily be converted into other future uses, without even knowing what those future uses may be. In that aspect, this is one of the most sustainable buildings ever constructed. The building has been constructed for the potential of having a large amount of future openings, and has a 5' tall raised floor system. All of the roofs are designed for solar arrays. The building is also designed for additional large future expansions. Also, as with any project cost is always a concern as well as schedule. In order to provide a building that exceeds the requirements for an essential facility, provides the most durability, is energy efficient, is aesthetically apealing, and is as cost effective as possible, Tilt-up Concrete was used.

Communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project.

This facility was constructed as an essential facility, using special reinforced tilt-up concrete wall construction and slender-wall analysis. Insulated tilt-up sandwich panels were used around the data center. Concrete was left exposed both inside and outside of the building. The exposed concrete has a pattern of closely spaced wide reveals. There are wall piers between the storefront glass that needed to be thickened due to the high seismic forces. The tilt-up wall piers also needed to be exposed on all sides with matching reveals. This was accomplished by sandwiching two “C” shaped panels together, crating a void which could then be filled with additional concrete. In other words, the architecturally finished tilt-up wall panels became concrete forms. The project also has a tilt-up panel that is over 68 feet long and is only 8” thick. This required additional care lifting. The majority of the wall panels are 47 feet tall. The wall panels are designed for future openings in the event that the buildings' use changes in the distant future. The lobby stairs are open and constructed with a single center stringer. The second level is constructed using a composite floor system. Data centers are historically known for requiring large amounts of water for cooling and for having high energy requirements. The Novva Data Center was imaginatively designed and engineered to utilize solar energy and operate with unique waterless cooling. This is the first facility of its kind.

What is the potential for this project's impact on the community and/or environment?

This facility was designed with the community in mind. There was a concern from the very beginning with regards to the amount of water that would be needed for cooling. It was a goal of the owner and design team to design a facility that would conserve as much water and power as possible. The Novva Data Center was imaginatively designed and engineered to utilize solar energy and operate with unique waterless cooling. This is the first facility of its kind. It was also a design goal to build to a LEED standard. The project is anticipated to receive a LEED Silver Certification. Novva Data Center is Utah's most eco-friendly, most recent, and largest hyperscale data center solution that provides wholesale and multi-tenant colocation infrastructure services to local, national, and international clients. This data center aligns with the states goal of attracting clean, environmentally friendly, high-tech businesses to Utah.

Main banner image for Novva Data Center

Project Location

West Jordan, UT 84081
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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