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TDCH Addition

Construction on Toronto District Christian High School started June 6, when the casting slab was poured. Panel construction began July 23, and the final panel was lifted into place on October 30. The project showed the architectural versatility of tilt-up construction. Toronto District Christian High School was an existing structure but needed to expand to accommodate the demands of its growing student body. This included adding new classrooms and auditorium space, and also revamping the front lobby. The School needed to construct a Theater / Presentation space that was high in quality and style. Tilt-up was chosen for the large value for the members money and excellent acoustic performance. Construction happened in two different phases, mainly to work around the space constraints of the site and to accommodate the fact that some parts of the building had two storeys while others only had one. With small floor area that included a basement, all panels were cast on a casting slab. A unique reveal pattern was achieved by placing over 7,500 linear feet of individual reveal strips into 9,000 square feet of exterior panel.  
Main banner image for TDCH Addition

Project Location

Woodbridge, ON L4L 2V7


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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