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Rupes USA

RUPES’s 33,000 square foot state-of-the-art building in Louisville, Colorado marks the first new presence for the Italian toolmaker’s U.S. division. Founded in Milan in 1947, RUPES manufactures professional electric and pneumatic polishers and sanders, as well as vacuum systems and accessories. The two-story office-warehouse is constructed with slab-on grade floor. Exterior walls are site-cast, tilt-up concrete wall panels and spread footings with aluminum windows and storefront. The building includes 9,400 square feet of office area on the first floor and 2,950 square feet of office area on the mezzanine level. Included in the office space is a detailing school with two vehicle bays. The remainder of the building is comprised of both open warehouse for storage and manufacturing space that also supports RUPES’s global operations. Interior work includes private offices, open workstations, storage racks, conference room, classroom, breakroom, restrooms, locker rooms, a wash bay, and multiple vehicle bays.  
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Project Location

Louisville, CO
United States

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Project Team (TCA Members)