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Architectural Concepts

Project summary provided by submitting company.

New office-manufacturing-warehouse facility for company that produces storefront and curtain-wall systems. The 43,171 SF two-story facility has unique structural features including spandrel panels and expansive load distribution, allowing no corner column in the upper office suite. The standard tilt-up warehouse had a very challenging exterior at the corner office with a second floor. There are NO panel jambs for three of the panels at the corner of the building.

Constructibility was a major issue. Options other than tilt-up were discussed. After lengthy discussions with the design team, the general contractor and the tilt-up subcontractor, a concrete tilt-up panel solution was developed. The solution was to cast these three panels as typical panels with a large opening and two jambs. Once the panels were erected, and the roof and mezzanine framing were installed, the panel jambs below the headers were saw cut and removed. (The jamb removal was very ingeniously solved by the tilt-up subcontractor!) The remaining panel headers above and the second floor header are supported by steel framing installed at the inside face of the wall panels. This steel framing supports the panels as well as the roof and/or second floor framing. Location of steel support columns was critical and required cantilevered steel beams at the roof.

In the end, the building has long ribbon windows along the second floor that optimizes the Rocky Mountain views visible from the second level offices. Unique building elements include: Board form liner, Tex.cote 600 paint system, integrated sun shades, and high efficient (4-factor 0.35) glazing.

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Project Location

Parker, CO
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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