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Restoration Hardware Office & Distribution Center

Project summary provided by submitting company.

Restoration Hardware's building houses distribution and offices functions inside this uniquely designed tilt-wall building. The main building entry features 2-story glass curtainwall, metal composite panels, concrete spandrel panels and stone veneer angled concrete panels. The pocketed concrete spandrel panels help accentuate the metal panel wrapped circular columns. Concrete panels covered with stone and with metal panels provide additional accents at the entry. Freestanding angled stone covered panels are used at the backside of the office area as supports for the roof of the covered patio.

The warehouse areas of the building feature repetitive concrete panels. The unique "Up-Side-Down L" reveal and paint pattern of the panels helps provide interest and helps breakdown the scale of the building. Windows, louvers and doors were hidden in the Up-Side-Down L pattern of the panels so as to maintain the repetitive pattern. The use of a unique repetitive panel design also made panel book review and forming of the panels easier on all parties. Offset and taller panels at midpoints also help breakdown the scale. Those panels also provide a breaking point where the reveal pattern mirrors itself which was also used to provide interest and scale. Formliner was used at the bottom portion of the Up-Side-Down L. The formliner gives texture and scale at the pedestrian but does not distract from the overall building pattern at a macro level.

Main banner image for Restoration Hardware Office & Distribution Center

Project Location

Grand Prairie, TX
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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