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Northgate Distribution Center

Project summary provided by submitting company.

Northgate Distribution Center is the largest speculative industrial development project in the history of Southern Nevada. The 170-acre project calls for over 3.4 million square feet in multiple phases. Martin-Harris has completed tenant improvements for Fanatics, a global seller of official licensed sports merchandise (400,000 SF), The Honest Company, a national consumer goods merchandiser (575,000 SF), and Amazon (813,000 SF & 248,000 SF).

Construction of the final building at Northgate will begin in early 2018, two short years after construction commenced on the first building. Critical factors in the development's rapid delivery include VanTrust's early engagement, a collaborative design and brokerage team, and Martin-Harris' ability to self-perform the large tilt-panel buildings. The rapid pace of construction and collaboration among the various team members enabled tenants to occupy and begin working within their spaces as early as September 2016, while building construction continued around them.

This collaboration was critical from the very beginning of the project. The land initially lacked necessary utilities and proper infrastructure - the site was not served by water, sewer, electricity or gas. The situation was further complicated by physical boundaries created by the existence of I-15 to the south and Union Pacific Railroad to the north. Preconstruction efforts focused on ironing out all the details for the large scale civil project to ensure that when construction commenced in the fourth quarter of 2015, off-site improvements were the first to be completed.

"We had to be very creative in our ability to ensure delivery of all public improvements on a timeline that would meet tenant expectations. The challenges that our team had to overcome in the delivery of the utilities for this project, along with the permitting and negotiating with various agencies, is where the real magic occurred." - Steve Backman, Vice President of Development, VanTrust Real Estate

The Owner/Contractor Project Team worked closely with various reviewing agencies from the start to ensure that the infrastructure would be delivered according to tenants' extremely optimistic occupancy schedules. VanTrust and Martin-Harris expedited deliveries by having weekly meetings with each agency, creating milestone timelines to track progress and expending capital when needed to keep progress moving. When utility providers were not able to meet deadlines, for example, VanTrust and Martin-Harris Construction worked hand-in-hand with them to assist with additional crews, so portions of the work could occur more quickly.

State-of-the-art building features include 36-foot clear height ceilings, accommodation of increased electrical loads, large parking and trailer storage areas, and plenty of building volume to optimize rack space. Flexible building designs enable the structures to meet changing tenant needs. Exterior dock locations, for example, are flexible enough to accommodate any tenant's product. Large parking areas accommodate e-commerce tenants' large numbers of employees, but can easily be converted to truck storage, dock areas or even office space for current or future users.

The Fanatics office and other offices at Northgate Distribution Center feature abundant glass and are located at building corners, providing natural light and maximizing the number of dock doors.

Main banner image for Northgate Distribution Center

Project Location

Las Vegas, NV
United States

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Project Team (TCA Members)