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Project summary provided by submitting company.

The LMB Properties spec warehouse building has 214,391 square feet with the option to add mezzanines in the future. The tilt-up wall panels are 42 feet tall and only 8 inches thick. That is a height to thickness ratio of 63. There is a single mat of reinforcing steel centered in the wall. 4,500 psi concrete was used. The building is over 802 feet long and over 265 feet wide. There is a dual BRB chevron brace located in the center of the building which is only one bay long (51 feet), with very little disruption on the main floor due to the height and angle of the bracing. The exterior walls also act a shear walls. This is a highly efficient building. A 7 inch thick floor was used as requested by the developer in order to better accommodate future owners / tenants. The building is designed so that it can be subdivided between multiple tenants, or can be used by a single-user. The building sold upon completion.

Main banner image for LMB

Project Location

Salt Lake City, UT
United States

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