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FINSA Monterrey Facility

The construction design took advantage of several pre cast panel systems in order to achieve the technical requirements and also the great architecture concept. The insulated panels help to achieve the LEED silver Certification. Using horizontal precast panels, supported on the isolated foundations, the need of a continuous foundation was eliminated, and this improved the timing of the construction and generated savings to the project. Using the horizontal precast panels, it was possible to work in parallel with the steel structure, so it has also a positive impact on the project execution time.

In the main Facade, where the office area is located, non-insulated horizontal panels were used implementing the "L-shape panels". This gives a great look at the corners of the facade with no vertical joints visible. The incorporation of horizontal reveals with the combination of glass and aluminum gives a really modern look to the facade, using standards, the costs were kept low. The horizontal reveals were difficult to implement, because they were manually installed. The supervision of this activity was constant to avoid any mistakes on the form-work. For this project, 10,500-feet of reveals wood forms were used.

The combination of all different construction materials and the ideas of each team member resulted in a great project, technically replicable and architecturally unique.

Main banner image for FINSA Monterrey Facility

Project Location

Cienega de Flores, NL 65550


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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