There were a number of significant design challenges on this project, particularly with regard to the structure.
The lack of large cranes in Hawaii required Tilt-Up panels to be limited to 55 tons, a critically important project design consideration. The high wind/seismic design requirements, the 40-foot unbraced height of the panels, the large openings within the panels and the high roof load due to the rooftop truck parking all contributed to the design challenge. The location of the loading dock openings and roof girder loads required that the typical Tilt-Up panel be approximately 46 feet high by 27 feet wide. The typical flat panel design would have resulted in an 11.25-inch-thick panel, weighting in excess of 65 tons, which would have exceeded the 55-ton lifting capacity of the crane.
In order to meet design requirements and the panel weight limit, pilasters were incorporated into the panels allowing the general thickness to be reduced to 6 inches, which kept panel weights within crane lifting limitations. Another element incorporated into the Tilt-Up design was the stitching together of panels with embedded plates. Not only does this address seismic concerns, but it allowed roof girders to be supported on the pilasters, reducing the vertical load applied on the panel sections between the pilasters, which contributed to the reduction in panel thickness.
One important aspect of this project is that it further expands the use of Tilt-Up in Hawaii.
Waipahu, HI 96797
United States
The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.
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