Wolstenholme Well Wishes

Rick Galloway, Executive Vice President – Martin Concrete
“In this often cutthroat industry, it’s refreshing to know someone like Mike Wolstenholme, who not only excels at what he does but also brings joy and positivity into the marketplace. He goes above and beyond and leaves a lasting impression wherever he goes. Mike is always happy to help, eager to connect people with others who can benefit them, and generous with his time and attention. Every interaction with Mike is memorable. Whether working alongside him at a TCA event, running into him at the World of Concrete, or just chatting because he dropped by the office, I find myself laughing when I’m with him and still smiling long after he has left.”

Tim Manherz, FTCA, VP of Operations – Encore Concrete
“Mike is not just an outstanding trout collector; he can even make the moose laugh in the middle of Montana. Mike is the kind of guy who has tons of knowledge about the tilt-up industry and can get you out of trouble if you just call him. Great friend, an awesome storyteller, and just plain fun to be around! Congratulations Mike. Well, deserved.”

Barclay Gebel, FTCA, Executive Vice President – Concrete Strategies
“Mike and I met for the first time in 1994 on a tilt-up job site in Richmond, VA. At the time, I was the tilt-up operations manager for Clayco Tilt-Up, and he was a sales rep for Dixie Forming Supply. From that day on 30 years ago, Mike was very instrumental to me personally and was/is a key part of Clayco Construction both in the early days and currently learning, teaching, and developing the best practices of tilt-up construction. He not only provided a wealth of knowledge, service, and sales he was one we could always count on and call a true genuine friend!
“One of our career highlights with Mike was erecting our tallest insulated tilt-up panel on the Jefferson Bourbon project this past year. Mike was a key part of planning the erection of this panel and was on site to witness history being made. We made a hand-signed large poster of the 91’ tall panel being erected as a gift to Mike for his 30 years of service to us and our industry! If I had to pick one word that would describe Mike’s service and dedication to the tilt-up industry it would be GOAT (greatest of all time).”

Don Greive, PE, CEO – Pinnacle Structural Engineers
“I would like to congratulate Mike on his retirement and recognize him for all he has done for TCA and the tilt-up industry. Being recognized as the 2023 Peter Courtois Memorial Award winner says a lot about Mike. After his service on the TCA Board of Directors, Mike would still attend meetings and provide meaningful advice. Whenever I would bump into him at events, he always had time to talk. We are lucky to have someone like Mike, and I appreciate his contributions to the growth of this industry. Once again, I wish him well in retirement.”

Len Overbeek – Tilt Wall Ontario Inc.
“Though Mike wasn’t my primary supplier for most of my career, he always graciously stood in second place. While in second place he consistently treated me with the care and attention reserved for his top clients. Then the day came when we found ourselves in a tight spot, and guess who was there to help? Without a hint of resentment for his long-standing second-place status, Mike stepped in and helped us out. To me, Mike epitomizes someone who values relationships over profit margins. I am sincerely grateful to him for being the finest secondary supplier a contractor could hope for. His integrity and genuine concern for his customers set him apart in the tilt-up world. Thank you, Mike.”

Travis Davis, Vice President – Hughes General Contractors
“I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to interact directly with Mike, but I have noticed that he has always been a true ambassador of the industry. One of the first and most welcoming to the young and new members of our organization. He has always been there to stand behind the product (and even literally under it, in the case of lifting hardware). For some of the key leaders of our organization he has had a great influence…and some of that influence has even been good! Seriously, we all wish Mike the best in retirement and will miss having him around. Thanks, Mike, for the years of contribution to this industry and, more importantly, to the lives of those you worked with!”

James M Williams, LEED AP, SE, PE, CE, FTCA, President – AE Urbia
“Mike, I recently heard of your retirement from Leviat. I always thought you were Leviat !!! 🙂
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed serving with you in the past, on the TCA Board of Directors. I am also greatly thankful for all the insights and knowledge you shared with me and the rest of the TCA community. I have greatly benefited from your insights, as have many of my clients, as I have incorporated some of that knowledge into our projects. I have always enjoyed your great sense of humor and your many inappropriate stories! If something ever needed to be said, you would say it, and if there wasn’t anything to be said, you would always come up with a funny story. I have noticed over the years that you are friends with everyone, and you make everyone feel welcome and part of the group. You are well deserving of the awards and recognition you have received. Your retirement from Leviat is well deserved, and I wish you the very best in all your future pursuits.”

Joe Steinbicker, PE, SE, FTCA, Owner and Principal – Steinbicker & Co., LLC
“Congratulations, Mike, on your well-deserved retirement! I’ve had the pleasure of knowing you for many years during your tenure at Meadow Burke/Leviat and as Fellow members of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association. You have always been a great resource for all things tilt-up, and are always willing to help out. The tilt-up industry will miss you. I look forward to continue seeing you at the annual TCA conventions. Best of luck and success in your consulting practice! As always, enjoy and have fun!”

Karen Hand, PE, President – Needham DBS
“Mike has been one of the most influential people I have met in the TCA with his consistency and dedication to the tilt-up industry. I don’t recall a time he was not there in some way during all the years I have been involved in the organization. He remembers every face and name, respects input and opinions from others, and is so genuine. I can’t count the number of times we have had conversations over dinners, always engaged and caring. I will miss having that presence, those chuckles, and the hugs. Enjoy your retirement, and live life large and healthy for many more years to come!”

Shane Miller, FTCA, President – DIVCON, Inc.
“Congratulations on a well-done career! Your contributions to the tilt-up industry are immense! You have always given extra effort to find solutions when the easy answer was no. You flew cross country on a Sunday to be able to train our team on Badger installation early Monday morning. You have found materials and braces for us when supply chain was exhausted. You work tirelessly to be ready for presentations on short notice. You have been a partner in crime on the streets of many a town late into the evening. Above all you are able to provide a little levity when we are all shocked and saddened when a group of nuns tragically lose their life in an accident. You are a great man, friend, and tilt-up legend! All the best to you and your family on the next phase of your adventure!”

Jeffrey Brown, FAIA, FTCA – Powers Brown Architecture
“Mike- Being successful is always correlated with being a good person. An interesting person- perhaps even a captivating person. You are that and more. The more? Best nonprofessional joke choreography I have ever encountered.”

Shawn Hickey, CCS, GSC, FTCA – Tilt Wall Ontario
“Mike’s tireless support of the tilt-up industry will be greatly missed and impossible to replace. His energy and passion have connected many of us trade show junkies through his relentless cocktail jokes and never-ending feast festivals. In other words, Mike’s keyboard and mouse were a fork with a glass of wine. Nobody can chair the center table seat as well as Mike.
“Over the past few decades, Mike and I have worked throughout the Middle East, forging new tilt concepts that many utilize today. Trust me, we always started our Middle East conversations with quick geography and history lessons to establish a clear understanding, incorporating some safe words.
“Mike’s secret sauce is his quick wit. His rapid-fire ability to recall names, events, and product information was second to none. Whenever we had an issue, he was a simple text away, with an answer that usually resolved the issue at hand.
“Mike’s true character was balance. We always made time to talk about our families, which inevitably led to discussions about our favorite childhood cartoons, followed by tears of laughter. Yes, there’s more than Leviat cast in his soul; you just need to be that last guy standing at the bar rail. We all know Mike can’t step away cleanly from this game. It’s in his DNA. It’s embedded in a few of his organs, like a SLIII Lift insert. While the rest of us are aging less gracefully, Mike somehow received a 3-1 safety factor! El Chapo, Wolsey, or Mike, he will always be a treasured friend whom I intend on calling upon, long after his corporate email account expires. Save me a chair, Mike. It’s been an honor, Sir!”