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We Have The Consumer Confidence!

Welcome to 2013, which according to most economists will be a year of modest positive growth, 2.5% – 3%.  Albeit, not what most of us would like or what our country needs, it does create promise–the promise of opportunity that built this great country and is the vehicle to recovery.  One of the indicators economists use is consumer confidence, which is really a state of mind (I hope I’m having a good day when surveyed), or maybe it’s simply our belief in the promise of opportunity.

When I look forward in 2013, all I see is the promise of opportunity for Tilt-Up Construction.  Our Association and its members have built consumer confidence in our product.  TCA is poised to help all of us realize the benefits of this opportunity in 2013.  TCA wants to further the confidence of our consumers in 2013 through initiatives such as

  • Completing the company certification process; enhancing quality, dependability, and safety
  • Leveraging an experienced technical committee; providing the guidelines and technical know-how for our industry through bracing guidelines, an engineering manual, and leadership in ACI
  • Promoting the growth of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings in partnership with CRSI
  • Providing promotion, marketing and education for tilt-up design and construction
  • Fostering the safety of our industry

Together TCA membership can “tilt” the growth curve for tilt-up construction upward from the economist’s national predictions of 2.5% – 3%.  We have the consumer confidence!

Have a prosperous New Year!

P.S.    Join me in supporting our association in 2013 by growing our membership. It’s easy; simply click here. Call the TCA at (319) 895-6911 with any questions.

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TILT-UP TODAY, a publication of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association, is THE source for Tilt-Up industry news, market intelligence, business strategies, technical solutions, product information, and other resources for professionals in the Tilt-Up industry. A subscription to TILT-UP TODAY is included in a TCA membership. Subscriptions for potential TCA members are also available. If you would like to receive a complimentary subscription to the publication, please contact the TCA.