2013 TILT-UP TODAY Media Kit Now Available
TILT-UPTODAY, a publication of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association, is THE source for tilt-up industry news, market intelligence, business strategies, technical solutions, product information, and other resources for professionals in the tilt-up industry.
- Distributed to thousands of tilt-up professionals across the globe including all TCA member companies
- Distributed at the TCA Annual Convention, World of Concrete and other major industry events
- The only publication that exists which captures the pulse of the global tilt-up industry
- Reaches key decision-makers within the top tilt-up building and design companies
- Surging new online presence
Whether your charge is to target your product to these potential buyers, or simply to stay abreast of the new and exciting innovations constantly taking place in the tilt-up industry, TILT-UPTODAY is the best resource for you.
This professional magazine is not only an important industry periodical for the tilt-up and concrete construction industry, but also a valuable marketing tool for TCA members. With continuing advancements in tilt-up innovation and architectural achievement, TILT-UPTODAY highlights the outstanding Tilt-Up construction that is taking place all across the world.
Download the 2013 Media Kit HERE