The Hutton Settlement Foundation's goal for this project was to return their administration staff from a remote location 10 miles away, back to the 1919 historic orphanage site, to more cohesively serve the needs of the program. This addition houses a conference room on the main floor, with the administrator's office and support staff on the second floor. All spaces are accessed from the historic building stairways, with careful attention given to existing elevations matching the new.
Complimenting the features of the 1919 main building was a large concern for the Owner, while also using materials that maintain the longevity and low maintenance enjoyed by the historic site. Exposed concrete was to be integral color (no paint) to match the stonework, brick needed to be of similar size and color, and slate roofs were complimented with prefinished standing seam metal. Proportions of all elements were highly scrutinized against the existing.
We were invited to participate in this project late, after the GC was unable to secure a precast contractor to provide the front arch in a cost-effective manner, with the quality and finish desired. We also proposed completing the brick panels as tilt, eliminating the mason and simplifying the wall design, saving considerable time on the schedule and reducing the budget. We collaborated with the architect on the random brick pattern ahead of placing, in order to match the historic colors as closely as possible. The arch is made of integral colored concrete, to match the historic stone sills and headers, intended to appear as cut stone also.
The site did not provide much room for casting and mobility of the crane was limited due to very mature trees and other existing structures. The arch and one of the walls were formed and poured on casting slabs next to the final location, while one of the walls were completed on casting beds across the site drive (this slab was able to be retained for use by one of the many fundraisers performed here, retaining value). All three picks were able to be performed by the crane with very little relocation.
The largest engineering complexity on this project was casting a 38'-6" tall arch with slim construction of 2'-0" wide by 4'-0" thick legs that could be erected without buckling or cracking. The top of the arch was to match the height and rake of the existing building. This also had to be completed without visual embeds and no required patch. Using finished beam work embed locations, we were able to cross-brace the legs in two intermediate locations, with the eight top pick locations being the only minor evidence that this structure was tilt construction. The formwork was required to be very stout and unyielding as well, to resist the pressures of that much concrete, in a single pour, without any deviations at all. The arch was placed first with the walls tucked in on each side, between the “perfect" arch and the historic brickwork.
Since 1919 the Hutton Settlement has been providing a safe and healthy home for children, ages 5-18, who need a long-term alternative home. Now, with all staff on site, they will be able to direct more attention and focus on the immediate needs of the orphanage site. There will be less time lost to travel between locations, funds supporting multiple offices, or confusion by visitors, donors, or family. All Foundation business is performed at the location where the attention is needed. This addition has also provided an opportunity to draw renewed attention to the work they are performing and to draw a potential new generation of supporters.
Spokane, WA 99206
United States
The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.
The excellence designation is given to the highest scoring projects each year representing the top 10-12 projects. Learn more >