This building boasts a 1000 ft length with the flexibility to sub-divide the space up to 8 tenants with each tenant getting two access points from the front and rear. The design of the panels was such that it allowed for multiple personnel door knock-outs as well front knock-outs for glazing as needed by future tenants. The main entrances were located offset from the corners so accommodate site conditions of turning radius and road access. This allowed for the future offices to fill the corners and keep the handicapped parking more accessible to the entrances. Continuous reveals were an easy accent to wrap the building on all four sides and create a paneling effect where different paint colors could end to. A striking orange paint added visual clarity to the main entrances and tied the design together with smaller accents throughout the façade on three sides. Double story glazing at the doors allows for future mezzanines or added daylight deeper into the building.
The project site sat behind an existing cemetery and it was the developer's intent to ensure that the sanctity and peace of the cemetery be maintained. As the building sat approximately half its height below the level of the cemetery, we designed a high wood finish fence to wrap that part of the site to cut off direct views to the building. The top of the building which was visible from the cemetery was painted with neutral colors to not attract attention for cemetery visitors. The site had some steep grading fall-offs in the back to existing waterways which were accommodated with a narrow wrap-around road and retaining wall, the parts of the design that are not glamourous yet are crucial to ensuring the success of the project.
The rear corners of the building extend past the dock side walls. Although not an engineering complexity, this slide-past panel design created an inside corner nook where the gas meter was located to hide from plain site. This kept the sides of the building neat and tucked away the utilities.
This building is a jewel in the midst of some low-key areas due to it simple yet effecting architectural design and is located in the heart of Bessemer city surrounded by calm residential communities. Layers of landscaping were added including staggered rows of trees to keep it that way. The success of this project lies in its ability to not affect the surrounding houses and cemetery while being able to be easily accessed from the highway. The immediate environment looks better than when it started due to careful planting of landscape and vegetation that enhances the micro-nature of the site.
Bessemer City, NC 28016
United States