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Adams Beverages

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements?

Adams Beverages was a high-profile project for ARCO Speciality Construction. It included an insulated panel warehouse and an uninsulated panel office.

The office 8" panels were designed to have inlaid thin, tumbled brick to give the impression of a worn building. Most of the top part of the panel façade is comprised of modular rough brick, highlighted with a horizontal soldier course across the width of the building. However, some openings do not have brick, instead, they are framed by smooth concrete interrupted with reveals at every 2'-4". A recess was created at both the top and the middle areas of the panels to accommodate an EIFS and a cast stone water table installed post erection. The bottom part of the façade has an 8" x 16" split face concrete block design created by a custom made form liner. Shadow panels were created by placing smaller narrow panels in front of larger panels at the corners.

The panels in the warehouse were insulated utilizing the Thermomass System by Leviat. The 1'-1" thickness of the panel includes 8-1/2" inner wythe, 2" insulation, and 2-1/2" outer wythe.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project?

One unexpected obstacle that came up during this project was a brick supply shortage. Due to the limited supply of the original brick selected for this project, a second brick color was chosen to get the required amount required. In the end, both brick colors mixed and blended nicely.

Please communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project?

The large number of insulated panels in comparison to the slab footprint made panel layout and erection difficult. To create the shadow panel effect in the office building, the panel-to-panel connections that hold together the main panel and the smaller panel in front had a hidden-from-sight connection at the top. The lifting and bracing engineering was tricky where some panels were braced to the inside and others to the outside, and some panels were lifted from the inside face of the panel and others from the top of the panel.

What is the potential for this project's impact on the community and/or environment?

The project's architectural design is a homage and a reminder of the city's history. It vividly illustrates past industrial success that will carry on for many years to come as a modern, environmentally friendly construction.

Main banner image for Adams Beverages

Project Location

Leland, NC 28451
United States

Project Images


Project Team (TCA Members)