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Vista Ridge High School, Leander ISD

Leander Independent School District required a campus-style high school that is reflective of a junior college designed for 2,400 students. The 387,528-square-foot Vista Ridge High School was to be built in one phase that integrated an innovative mechanical system into the structure.

The owner cited multiple reasons for selecting Tilt-Up, including speed of construction, cost effectiveness, long-term durability, structural integrity, improved fire resistance, simplified architectural details and improved integrity of the exterior building envelope.

Architectural treatments included a variety of cast-in reveals – both straight and curved, “V”-shaped and rectilinear, as well as receivers for masonry and cast stone. A host of open shapes – square, arched and pointed – with integrated chamfers and reveals were major elements in the architectural concept. In addition to the two-tone color scheme, both rock faced and burnished masonry with cast stone accents were used to add visual interest to the exterior.

The project had a high degree of complexity that included multiple buildings with a variety of reveals, applied architectural features, exterior mechanical and electrical systems, limited casting space, precise elevation requirements for tie-in to structural steel elements and hipped-steel connections. It required placement of curved reveals that mimicked the arches corresponding to adjacent window openings.

Adding to the level of complexity was the coordination of more than 309 window and door openings, as well as countless mechanical and electrical penetrations and stub-outs.

Main banner image for Vista Ridge High School, Leander ISD

Project Location

Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



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