Get Involved!
Hopefully by the time you are reading this you are on your way to, enjoying yourself at, or just returning from the 2011 TCA Annual Convention. The annual convention is a great way to dive in to all that the TCA has to offer. Taking advantage of all that the TCA is doing is the best way of getting a return on your investment in the Association. Your participation in events like the TCA Annual Convention, programs like the Achievement Awards plus your support and utilization of various other resources the Association offers, fuels not only the ability for the TCA to grow and increase its presence in the industry, it directly benefits you and your business.
This month, the new TCA Company Certification Program will be unveiled. This program has been developed to provide Tilt-Up Contractors with a tool to use when competing with the PCI plant certification requirements and to provide yet another way for experienced, quality Tilt-Up contractors to set themselves apart from the competition. Please visit to learn more about this exciting program.
The real work of the Association is done at the committee level. As I have mentioned before, this is where you have an opportunity to make a difference. I challenge our members to serve on one or more committees. Our members have a vast pool of knowledge that can be invaluable to our Association and we need to work together to get the full benefit of those resources. Most committees have a monthly conference call to conduct committee business. The work of the TCA through these committees is to focus on advancing the industry as a whole, which stands to benefit each of us individually in the end. Please visit to review what committees are available and to submit an application.
Remember the World of Concrete is right around the corner, Jan. 23-27, 2012. Please use the TCA code (a35) to claim your FREE registration. The Association is compensated for each registration, and your participation is greatly appreciated.
I look forward to seeing you in Kansas City and working with you on one of the committees to keep this industry growing!
Ed McGuire, President | TCA Board of Directors