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JAG West Phase 1 - Building 2

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements.

This is the second building of a six industrial building campus in the JAG Logistics Center at DIA. It is located on seventy-two acres of commercial-zoned land directly south of Denver International Airport. The facility offers column-free, cross-dock warehouse space to maximize the warehouse floor for specialized freight forwarding users. Thirty-foot clear height is offered for practical and efficient racking systems and generous truck courts. A mezzanine of offices accommodates higher office ratios. The unique modular design provides tenants with customized leasing options from 5,000 to 1,000,000 SF, and one dock door for every 1,000 SF leased.

Communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project.

The structural challenges for this building included: providing an economical steel roof framing design for a long span bay with joists next to a much shorter office bay with a mezzanine below; providing a mezzanine floor framing scheme that would allow for the full mezzanine or partial mezzanines to be installed; providing a steel framed lateral resisting system that would allow for the full or partial mezzanine framing to be installed, and a design for the exterior wall panels that allowed for the mezzanine to be fully installed or partially. In addition, we worked with the Tilt-Up subcontractor to create several creative ideas for increasing the ease and speeding of installation of the embed plates for the panels.

Main banner image for JAG West Phase 1 - Building 2

Project Location

Aurora, CO 80249
United States

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Project Team (TCA Members)