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Eastside Regional Park Rec Center

Summarize the project's program, features and achievements.

The region's first indoor natatorium with a 50-meter competition-ready pool with a diving well, with 1- and 3-meter diving boards. The space also includes spectator seating, warm-up and cool-down pool, training room and lockers. A multigenerational community center with a gym, spectator seating, multipurpose classrooms, kitchen, dining area, reading room, computer center, indoor walking and running track and fitness area. An outdoor water park with a family pool, toddler pool, water slides, climbing walls, artificial wave surfing feature and many other amenities.

What obstacles were overcome related to the schedule, budget, program, specification, site, etc. on this project?

Communicate any engineering complexities or unique features of the panel design for this project.

The Eastside Regional Park was designed to accommodate a range of amenities for patrons young and old. Large open spaces were required to fit the gymnasium, indoor running track, open weight room, and natatorium. To prevent the project budget from becoming too restrictive, the design team selected robust materials that could be carefully applied to areas with the largest gravity and lateral loads. Tilt-wall panels were selected to support the project in areas where large volumes created long-span conditions. Additionally, the creative use of tilt-wall allowed the design team to minimize alternative, and more costly, materials and instead create the design geometries and openings with concrete. One benefit realized within the project was that the reduced application of some materials actually allowed them to remain in the project rather than being removed altogether. Concrete also provided the team with an exterior finish that was materially appropriate within the complement of other elements within the building and site. The finished building reflects the efficient use of materials while maintaining a clean and robust building structure. The tilt-wall panels were designed with input from VEMAC in the CMR process and constructability concerns, placement and lifting sequences were coordinated and streamlined. Specific geometries of interlocked panels and their connections were also coordinated with VEMAC in order to place the panels on a path for success.

Main banner image for Eastside Regional Park Rec Center

Project Location

El Paso, tx 79938
United States


The Tilt-Up Achievement Awards were established to honor projects that use site-cast tilt-up concrete to introduce new building types, advance industry technology and provide unique solutions to building programs. Winning entries illustrate the variety, beauty, and flexibility of tilt-up construction.



The excellence designation is given to the highest scoring projects each year representing the top 10-12 projects. Learn more >

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