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Vanderhall is the manufacturer of a sleek 3-wheeled sport vehicle, owned by celebrities and collectors. The Vanderhall factory is constructed of tilt-up concrete panels, with an integral face brick, or thin brick and exposed concrete pilasters, window trim and frieze. Each building bay is numbered on the exterior of the building, also in exposed concrete. The building appears to be traditional concrete post-and-beam construction with a brick in-fill. The exposed concrete elements also have reveals as well as exposed aggregate. The vintage architectural design is contrasted by black mullions and by modern black gazing. The architecture respects the historic nature of the town where it is located.
The Vanderhall Factory is designed to be constructed in phases or modules. Each phase or module has a footprint that is 448 feet long and 336 feet wide. The main floor is 151,983 square feet (25, 028 square feet of which is office space) with a stacked modular mezzanine that provides an additional 25,028 square feet of office and lab space. The newly constructed second phase or module increases the building area to over 354,000 square feet. Additional phases or factory modules can be added as demand increases. The office and lab areas have large tinted windows for natural light. The factory and warehouse areas also have two skylights per bay, which provides natural light on the factory floor, helping to reduce energy costs. The tilt-up walls are 12-inch-thick insulated panels. The concrete compression strengths are 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi), 6,000 psi and 8,000 psi. Panels are 35’-6” tall. The exposed tilt-up pilasters are 24 inches thick and 4’-0” wide and cover the panel joints. The factory is designed for maximum flexibility.
Provo, UT