Connections in Tilt-Up Buildings
By: Ed Sauter, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Lifting panels is always the most exciting time on a Tilt-Up job, but what comes after lifting is perhaps even more important to the proper performance of the structure. The very nature of a Tilt-Up building, or any rigid wall flexible diaphragm structure, is the interaction between the walls, […]
Tilt-Up Safety — Inherent When Planned
By Jim Baty, Tilt-Up Concrete Association There is a buzz in the construction industry that is growing at an annual rate of 14-18 percent per year. Growing perilously close to a billion square feet of enclosed building area per year, the Tilt-Up industry offers a great deal of excitement to all that are realizing the […]
TCA Announces Winners of International Design Competition: TCA/PCA Storm Housing 2007
By: Amy Numbers, Constructive Communication, Inc. The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) has announced the winners of “TCA/PCA Storm Housing 2007,” an international design competition. Students in the field of architecture, currently in graduate or undergraduate programs, were invited to present conceptual designs for a storm-resistant housing complex located along the Gulf Coast using site cast […]
Tilt-Up Supervisor Training Is Six Years Old
By: Ed Sauter, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Enjoying phenomenal growth and expansion into new areas and building types, the Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) recognized the necessity of a pool of qualified supervisors available to serve the needs of the industry. As such, the Tilt-Up Certification program was developed so that owners, designers and general contractors could have […]
TCA Announces Alphonse Engelman Safety Awards for Tilt-Up Industry
The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) has announced the winners of the industry’s second annual safety awards. This year’s awards were renamed the Alphonse Engelman Safety Awards to honor a past president, board member and strong supporter of the Tilt-Up industry. Engelman helped introduce this award competition and the TCA wanted to honor his contributions and dedication to […]
Shakey Ground
By: Clare Martin Constructive Communication, Inc. As Tilt-Up construction continues to grow in popularity around the country, it’s only natural that the impact made by changes to design standards be balanced by general economics and constructability concerns. This is clearly evident with the issue of the design for high seismic regions. The evolution of regions considered high […]
Tilt-Up Repairs and Connections: Your Guide to Repair of Common Field Challenges
By: Jim Baty, Technical Director of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association and Jim Ness, P.E., Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is certainly an appropriate mantra for site-cast Tilt-Up construction. While Tilt-Up is known for its streamlined efficiencies and use of non-skilled labor, the investment of time […]
Safety Important to the Growing Tilt-Up Industry
By: Jim Baty, Tilt-Up Concrete Association. He can be reached at Tilt-Up construction continues to lead in growth as a wide-spread building solution due to its advantages of efficiency, economy and effectiveness. In fact, Tilt-Up construction has grown at an annual volume of more than a quarter billion square feet of wall, outperforming the general building […]
Deflection Limits for Tilt-Up Wall Serviceability
By: John Lawson, SE, Kramer & Lawson, Inc. While contractors are accustomed to viewing building standards as static, set-in-stone guidelines, the truth is that the development of these codes is often a constantly changing process. As new technologies develop, standards must shift to reflect this—and for emerging sections of the industry, this means current guidelines […]
TCA Announces Achievement Awards for Tilt-Up Industry
TCA has announced the debut of the Tilt-Up industry’s first Safety Achievement Awards. Presented at TCA’s Convention, held in Denver Oct. 4-7, the Safety Achievement Awards program was developed to enhance the TCA’s overall Achievement Awards program, providing a new component emphasizing safety. “The main purpose for the Safety Awards is to recognize TCA contractor […]
Breathe Easy
By Karen S. Hand, P.E., Needham and Associates Inc. Successful Tilt-Up construction requires special attention to design and specialized care in construction to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction. In other words, the panels need to breathe. However, many Tilt-Up professionals fail to realize the importance of this principle. This lack of understanding can be explained in […]
Tilt-Up Concrete Association Forms Seismic Design Task Group
The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) formed of a seismic design task group in 2005. According to Jim Baty, Technical Director of the TCA, the task group was formed as a proactive measure to involve the experts in the Tilt-Up industry. Responding to concerns regarding the performance of Tilt-Up structures during earthquakes in high seismic regions, […]