Online Social Media FAQS: A Quick Lesson on All You Need to Know to Talk the Talk
One of the hot topic discussions at this year’s Convention was social media. After attending a presentation on social media, many feel energized to start the efforts as soon as they get back to the office. However, it is easy to get stuck taking the next step since you aren’t sure how to get started […]
Using BIM
Accountability is a frequently touted term in the design and construction industry. Owners and developers want to eliminate finger-pointing between members of the design and construction team and have confidence that everyone can work together to ensure a successful completion of their project. New technologies are constantly emerging to make this challenge easier. One technology […]
MIT’s New Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH)
Concrete is the most widely used building material on the planet; however, the production of some of its component materials account for up to five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. To address the sustainability and environmental implications of the use of concrete as the backbone of our hous- ing, schools, hospitals and other […]
Record Breaking Tilt-Up
By: Wendy Ward It’s no secret to those in the Tilt-Up industry that today’s projects are more complex and challenging than ever before. Not only are panels getting taller and wider, but they are also becoming more structurally sophisticated with longer spans, greater sizes, percentages of opening and even using more recycled material content. How […]
Promoting Tilt-Up in a Non-Tilt-Up Market
by: Kimberly Corwin What does it take to get a new construction concept started? A farming background. I am a farmer’s daughter from the Midwest transplanted into East Greenwich, RI. I have been in the construction industry for over 20 years. For the last 5 years I have been on a mission to promote and grow Tilt-Up in a non […]
Thoughts from a LEED AP
Joe Piedimonte, a green building project manager and CFO of Castroville-based Ausonio Incorporated, is a LEED accredited professional with over 20 years experience in the construction and retail industries. His LEED accreditation is in New Construction as well as Existing Buildings. He coordinated LEED submittals for Ausonio on the Chartwell School Platinum LEED project. Piedimonte can […]
Wall Bracing to Slab-on-Ground Floors
By: David L. Kelly, consultant — retired from Meadow Burke This article originally appeared in the July 2007 issue of ‘Concrete International.’ In the Tilt-Up construction method, concrete wall panels are typically cast in a horizontal position on a ground-supported slab. Because the size (and weight) of a typical Tilt-Up panel can be quite high, […]
Message From the Director: The TCA Fall 2008 Convention — Rising to the Challenge
The Tilt-Up Concrete Association will hold its 4th Annual Convention this fall in Phoenix, Arizona. The theme for this year’s convention will be “Rising to the Challenge.” When you attend some of the seminars and view some of the highlighted buildings, you will understand. We have a great line-up. Both days will start with relevant […]
Message From the Director: Technology is Tilt-Up
Technology — it’s hard to live with it, but impossible to live without it. Within six months of purchasing a new computer or learning how to run an operating system, they update and “improve” it. But can you imagine your business without a computer, without a fax machine, without a cell phone, without a digital […]
Electronic Etiquette
By: Ashley Kizzire, Constructive Communication, Inc. During the last 10 years, the widespread use of e-mail has literally transformed business communication, so much that the business letter has reached near extinction. Even contractors who clung dearly to fax machines as their most efficient means of communicating can’t imagine corresponding today without e-mail. And for good […]
Keys to Converting Tilt-Up
By: Ed Sauter, Executive Director Tilt-Up Concrete Association Adaptability is key to success in today’s design and construction industry, where having the wisdom to change direction often makes the difference in bringing a project in on time and under budget. One such change in direction that is becoming increasingly prevalent among new construction projects is the conversion of […]
Needed: Training — Lack of Training Biggest Hindrance to Software Success
By: Randy Collins President of The Strategies Group In an industry crazed with training, certifications and continuing education, contractors often fall short with regard to internal processes, including software. Contracting firms may be good at allocating dollars to maintain professional licenses or keeping up with the latest OSHA requirements, but they often overlook the need to […]