MIT’s New Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH)
Concrete is the most widely used building material on the planet; however, the production of some of its component materials account for up to five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. To address the sustainability and environmental implications of the use of concrete as the backbone of our hous- ing, schools, hospitals and other […]
MIT’s New Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH)
Concrete is the most widely used building material on the planet; however, the production of some of its component materials account for up to five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. To address the sustainability and environmental implications of the use of concrete as the backbone of our housing, schools, hospitals and other built […]
Insulated Sandwich Panels
By: Darryl Dixon Composite Technologies Corp. TIPS FOR INSULATED SANDWICH WALL PANELS In the U.S., it is estimated that buildings consume 65 percent of the electricity generated and produce 30 percent of the national output of greenhouse gases. This has produced a shift in design and construction practices towards methods that significantly reduce the negative […]
Wall Bracing to Slab-on-Ground Floors
By: David L. Kelly, consultant — retired from Meadow Burke This article originally appeared in the July 2007 issue of ‘Concrete International.’ In the Tilt-Up construction method, concrete wall panels are typically cast in a horizontal position on a ground-supported slab. Because the size (and weight) of a typical Tilt-Up panel can be quite high, […]
Putting On A Beautiful Face: New-Generation Patching Compounds Help Meet The Demands of Fine Architecture
By: Michael Chusid, RA FCSI ACI and Steven H. Miller Tilt-Up has become an architecturally sophisticated form of construction, and finishing methods have matured with it. Few contractors still use the old-fashioned method of sand-and-cement sacking. Most have switched to specialized patching compounds. But when a new material is put into a craftsman’s hands, unexpected […]
Panel Forming
By: Ed Sauter Tilt-Up Concrete Association Tilt-Up panel shapes are limited only by the imagination of the designers and the skill of the craftsman. A look at some of the award submittals of the past several years will put to rest any thoughts that site-cast Tilt-Up is limited. While rectangular panels are still the norm, […]
Considerations When Designing and Building A Tilt-Up Project
By: Jim MacKinnon, Saunders Construction Inc. Despite my years of experience working as preconstruction manager on numerous Tilt-Up projects ranging from office buildings to warehouses and schools, I am still amazed how often Tilt-Up is mislabeled an “option” over another product or skin type. To compare building construction to automotive manufacturing, I view Tilt-Up as the […]
Tilt-Up Provides Building Solutions for Today’s Churches
By: Jim Baty Tilt-Up Construction Association Today’s congregations face many of the same building challenges homeowners and businesses face – rising cost and availability of land, increasing construction costs, and high maintenance costs. To counter these obstacles, it is essential to select a construction method for new facilities that is both cost-effective during construction […]
Tilt-Up Repairs and Connections: Your Guide to Repair of Common Field Challenges
By: Jim Baty, Technical Director of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association and Jim Ness, P.E., Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is certainly an appropriate mantra for site-cast Tilt-Up construction. While Tilt-Up is known for its streamlined efficiencies and use of non-skilled labor, the investment of time […]