My Last Letter to TCA Members
I can hardly believe that 2010 is already coming to a close, which means the end of my term as president of the TCA. I have greatly enjoyed my year as president. This opportunity gave me the chance to get to know more of our members, continue to learn from the best in our industry, […]
With a Blink of an Eye
One of the greatest offerings by the TCA is the Annual Convention. Thank you to the many of you that attended in late September/early October and we hope you found it a valuable event. I have been attending the Convention for several years and always enjoy it. Just like in past years, I once again […]
With a Blink of an Eye
Summer is here and many of us are embarking on our busiest time of the year. One of the keys to success in the design and construction industry is incorporating new technology into your toolkit. This issue of Tilt-Up Today showcases some of the latest technology available in the Tilt-Up marketplace. Our innovative Global Associates […]
Message from the President: Are You Green?
I’m not sure if you are like me, but I haven’t seen a word so overused in our everyday world as the word GREEN. Everywhere I look I see green this and green that. We have green homes, green cars, green toilet paper; even the hamburgers we buy at McDonalds are now green. At least […]
Message from the President: Welcome 2009! Please Pass Quickly …
As the incoming President for 2009, I need to recognize Past-President Alan Wilson. It was a joy to work with him over the year, and I, along with the Association, give him many thanks for his efforts and contributions during his presidency. As we start 2009, we again look back at the 2009 TCA Tilt-Up […]
Message From the President: 2009 TCA — Strength in Diversity
As 2008 rapidly (incredibly) races to a close, one can reflect both on the year past and anticipate the year to come. I believe it has been a very successful year for the TCA. Among this year’s accomplishments is the culmination of years of hard work to create a Producers Council and introduction of Term Limits into […]
Message From the President: Making History
In the daily work of accomplishing our projects, we often don’t consider the long-term impact of our work or the legacy we will leave. Yet, it’s inevitable that the buildings we participate in creating leave a lasting impact upon both the environment in which they exist and the people who come in contact with them. […]
Message From the President: TCA Has ‘Big Mo’
Momentum. You see it at sporting events when one team seems to have everything going their way. I believe the Tilt-Up Concrete Association and the Tilt-Up industry as a whole have a lot of momentum. Do you see it? Do you feel it? The field of Tilt-Up is evolving at a rapid rate, as showcased […]
Message From the President: Looking Back, Moving Forward
As the last days of 2007 (and my term as TCA president) come to a close, it is the perfect time to reflect on accomplishments of the past year while making resolutions for 2008. In this issue of Tilt-Up TODAY, you will find articles that highlight TCA’s successes in 2007. First, in an effort to reach […]
Message From the President: BIM in a Tilt-Up World
If you have read any AEC trade magazines in the past few years, you have probably seen the acronym BIM – which stands for Building Information Modeling. At the recent TCA Convention in College Park, Md, speaker Jeff Needham described BIM as a three- dimensional, a four-dimensional, or even a five-dimensional database. Yet, the present-day reality […]
Message From the President: A Big Year Ahead …
Well, it’s that time of year again; The Golden Globe awards, the Academy awards, the Grammy awards, and the Tilt-Up Achievement awards. While the stars of television, film, and music are being honored in Hollywood, the stars of the Tilt-Up construction industry were honored in Las Vegas at the annual TCA Awards Breakfast, held in conjunction […]
Message From the President: Worth the Price of Admission
Well this year’s convention has come and gone, and planning is well underway for next year. The theme is ‘TILT-UP: It’s a System!’ Sounds simple enough, and maybe it is. So why then are we compelled to focus an entire convention around this theme? Perhaps our customers don’t quite understand tilt-up or we need to […]