New Book Gives Insights into ‘Everyday’ Architecture — Book Signing June 26 and June 27

The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) – a nonprofit international organization that serves to expand and improve the use of tilt-up as the preferred building system – will host a book-signing event featuring the newly released Tiltwallism: A Treatise on the Architectural Potential of Tilt Wall Construction by architect Jeffrey Brown at the American Institute of […]
Tilt-Up Concrete Association Announces Availability of Video on AFRL Blast Research
TCA has announced the availability of a video discussing the findings from research with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). In conjunction with the Portland Cement Association (PCA), the wall tests series define the resistance and failure mode of standard Tilt-Up concrete insulated sandwich walls subjected to Department of Defense (DoD) compliant forces. “The video […]
MIT’s New Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH)
Concrete is the most widely used building material on the planet; however, the production of some of its component materials account for up to five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. To address the sustainability and environmental implications of the use of concrete as the backbone of our hous- ing, schools, hospitals and other […]