Message from the President: Welcome 2009! Please Pass Quickly …
As the incoming President for 2009, I need to recognize Past-President Alan Wilson. It was a joy to work with him over the year, and I, along with the Association, give him many thanks for his efforts and contributions during his presidency.
As we start 2009, we again look back at the 2009 TCA Tilt-Up Achievement Awards program held at the World of Concrete and remain amazed at yet another fantastic year of Tilt-Up achievement. The level of detail and the extent of Tilt-Up’s application continue to pervade every building type and market across North America and beyond. Having not only submitted many projects for award consideration, and recently having had the privilege of judging the recent submittals, I can say without hesitation that the stateof Tilt-Up is excellent and progressing faster than ever. Congratulations to all this year’s winners and still to those who submitted and did not win. Your involvement with the awards program is critical to the success of this Association.
Understandably, I assume the position of president of the TCA with humility and a servant hood attitude. But I have to admit, this is not the economic climate I bargained for when accepting that nomination two years ago.
There is no doubt that we are amidst one of the worst recessions the construction industry has seen in recent memory and many fear that the worst is yet to come. Rest assured that we as an Association are strategizing ways to minimize costs, maintain reserves and expand member benefits. The preservation of the Association and strengthening of our industry during these next two years will be our highest priority. The TCA stands firm in its responsibility to help its members benefit from expanding the use of Tilt-Up construction and will be implementing opportunities for members to further their knowledge of Tilt-Up while hopefully arming them with the tools needed to wade through these treacherous waters.
I have always been a believer in motivation so I thought I would do my best Zig Ziglar impression by offering some helpful hints to surviving these troublesome times.
- Cut the fat. Over the last five years or so, we have enjoyed doing business with comfortable budgets. Now it is time to streamline your business structure and processes to minimize overhead and reduce liability.
- Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses. This is not the time to diversify and experiment to survive. Focus on what you know and go after every opportunity that fits these strengths.
- Work harder. I love playing and watching hockey. And, it is a fact that the first team to the puck makes the plays and scores the goals. Work harder than your competition, beat them to the opportunities.
- Be positive. Sounds like a cliché, right? No! If you’re going to lead people through this recession
you need to exude confidence and a positive attitude to your people. Keeping morale up will be imperative to your success.
From the TCA, we wish you the best in 2009!
Jim MacKinnon, President
TCA Board of Directors