Tilt-Up Decreases Total Cost of Building Ownership

By: David Tomasula | Principal, LJB Inc. One of the iconic sayings attributed to Benjamin Franklin is “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In layman’s terms, this means that it is better to avoid problems in the first place, rather than fix problems once they arise. Although the building industry tends […]
The 2012 International Energy Conservation Code – Your Attention Required

By: James R. Baty II | Tilt-Up Concrete Association The 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is quickly becoming one of the most talked about subjects in professional construction circles. Those that aren’t discussing it soon will be because it represents the most aggressive minimum requirements in history for the building envelope. While not designed […]
TCA Positions for the Future of Energy Efficiency

Validated by the recent aggressive changes found in the last two versions of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the TCA is positioned to serve as a major industry resource to building designers. Beginning with the 2009 IECC and ending with the recently released 2012 IECC, building envelopes constructed under the jurisdiction of this code […]