Message From the President: With A Blink of An Eye
As I stood on my deck last night watching the last remnants of the day’s light hide behind the glorious mountains of Colorado, I felt a cold blast of wind pass across my face. I was reminded of nearly the same experience just eleven months ago, when I realized I was staring at potentially the worst recession I have seen in my short 19-year career. I couldn’t believe that the year had passed, almost with a blink of an eye.
For most, this year is one we wish to forget. For the rest of you, I’m not sure what in heaven’s name you’re happy about….When I assumed the role of President of the TCA in January 2009, I realized that the focus of my tenure would be survival. We needed to make sure that the TCA stood strong in the face of a severely beaten economy and that we never deter from offering our members the service and benefits they have always been promised and provided.
In looking back over the year, I am amazed how we have progressed and where we are headed. Here are some of the highlights from 2009:
- A completely revamped TCA website ( was launched in October, offering state-of-the-art graphics and providing simple navigation tools to get you the information you need. Be sure to log in and take a look! We thank Kim Corwin and the Promotions Committee for all their hard work.
- TCA has elected to participate in the Joint Sustainability Initiative, which is a conglomeration of concrete-related associations and interest groups joined together to educate the public on the sustainable benefits of concrete-related products.
- We are getting close to re-releasing the “Architecture of Tilt-Up” manual, complete with updated photography, award winners and a special focus on sustainability and green construction.
- We have been working closely with ACI to provide the Certification materials and exam in Spanish. This will be completed in 2010.
- The Education Committee continued to work hard at providing the best presentations available for the 2009 convention. Planning for the 2010 convention has already begun.
Outside of the many accomplishments of the Association over the year, I am most proud of the financial strength of the TCA. We remain strong financially due to the efforts of those forward-thinking board members of years past who knew we should save for a rainy day. Their leadership, and the relentless hard work of our directors, Ed Sauter and Jim Baty, enable us to continue the highest level of service and stability you have come to expect from the TCA. We encourage you to stand strong as well. Renew your membership and enable your company with the tools to succeed in 2010.
Jimmie Ballard of CMC Construction Services will be taking over as President of the Association in 2010, and I know he will offer excellent leadership for all of us.
Thank you all for allowing me to serve you. Best wishes in 2010!
Jim MacKinnon, President
TCA Board of Directors