Message From the Director: Awards, Awards, Awards!
How long can the industry keep it up? I am referring to, of course, the amazing diversity and number of Tilt-Up projects submitted each year for the Achievement Awards program. One hundred and five projects were submitted this year in eleven categories. There weren’t any “Sibaya Casino” projects this year, but there was greater depth and breadth in the winning projects than ever before. Forty projects met the threshold criteria this year for awards and that threshold is continually being raised. Many projects that won 10 years ago wouldn’t even be on the radar screen the past two or three years. We are gearing up for a future that could include over 200 submittals.
Projects are also being submitted from a wider geographic region. Florida, however, was again the hands-down victor in shear number of projects awarded. If you want a quick education on the current state-of-the-art in Tilt-Up, book your flight to Florida (in particular if you are from a northern climate). Churches, multi-story office buildings, schools, universities, casinos, parking garages, retail facilities and more can be viewed in several concentrated areas of the state.
The Warehouse and Distribution center division still gets its share of entries but by far the largest category is the Office division. Tilt-Up is making great strides in the Class A office category with multi-story solutions that defy what was previously thought possible in a field construction method. Tilt-Up is ideally suited for high-end office buildings because of its ability to create clearly unique and iconic structural forms – at a reasonable cost.
You can view the winners in this magazine, on our web site through the eMagazine and the awards article, or on a great DVD produced by the association. The DVD focuses on categories so it can be used in your promotional efforts. The web site version has multiple photographs of many of the projects. All submittals, including non-winners, will be added to our new buildings database. A copy of the DVD will be made available to all members free of charge, and additional copies can be purchased for $25.00. The DVD will include the awards presentation from each of the past four years.
As a final reminder, the awards have been expanded to allow you to enter any project from your past that has not been a prior winner. It does not have to be submitted in the year it was completed! We constantly hear the lament: “I did a project like that a few years ago but didn’t take the time to submit it,” or other words to that effect. Now is the time to send in your entry. We accept them year round. You can download the submittal forms at Click on the “Tilt-Up Awards” text in the upper left corner menu. When the awards page comes up, click on the “Awards Submission section” link in the lower right hand corner for forms and information on submittals. If you have questions about the awards, the submittal process, or if you are interested in being a judge, contact Jim Baty at
We also would like feedback on the two new web features, the eMagazine and the Buildings Database. These features can be accessed directly from the home page. While you are there, don’t forget to visit the “archives” which include articles and links, to nearly every published article on Tilt-Up from at least the past 10 years.
We have already received a submittal for the 2009 awards program and at least 70 projects have been brought to our attention for next year’s program. 2009 promises to be yet another exciting year for Tilt-Up construction.
Ed Sauter, Executive Director
TCA Board of Directors