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Among the Greats!

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA

What a year we have had! Just last year, I stood on the stage in Denver as I received the David L. Kelly Distinguished Engineer Award, looking out among the crowd with amazement at the record attendance for the TCA Convention and Gala. 

In Tampa, we broke records once again. Shout out to Jill Heald, TCA staff member, for her amazing work recruiting new vendors and new members, and for doing a wonderful job as emcee for the Awards Gala. I attended the New Members Reception and met many of the new members, and it was obvious that Jill’s welcoming and attentive personality truly brought them into our TCA family. 

It was an emotion-filled night at the Awards Gala, with moments of joy and teary eyes as I watched, and reflected upon, the monumental awards being presented to a list of amazing members who have done so much for our industry. It made me so proud to look around the room and be among so many greats, and I felt small in my role as president because it’s the entire membership that breathes life into our organization. We have a room full of greats, each one leaving their mark of service and dedication to our organization and our industry. My president’s address to conclude the meeting was short and sweet as we were running behind schedule, but I knew I would have the opportunity to express my thoughts and appreciation here. It truly is an honor to serve as your president.

Len Overbeek won the Murray Parker Memorial Award. I remember like it was yesterday when I first met Len, who was being wheeled around by his brother Dave, at the Kansas City convention. Each year Len returned to conventions, and I followed what he and his firm were doing north of the border, expelling myths and making hay. I loved meeting his son and daughter, who were able to attend with him this year to join in celebrating his achievements. Len’s team has done so much to advance the tilt-up industry. To keep up the energy and momentum of the Canadian market, we are heading to Toronto in December to kick off the TCA’s first Tilt-Up Nexus. Len is a force, and he has lots of juice left; I can’t wait to see what he does in the future.

Mike Wolstenholme won the Peter Courtois Memorial Award. Mike is a special person who can make anyone he meets feel welcome and significant. That’s how I have always felt with him. He was always interested in my thoughts and opinions, and would seek my advice. As I reflect upon my time at the TCA, Mike is one of the most memorable people who reappears in my recollections, time and time again. He has an incredible ability to work a room and to position himself in a place where he is seen, while always being friendly and making an impact on others. He’s truly an amazing person and I hold him in the utmost respect.

What amazing memories these years leading up to serving as president have brought me! I hope that the young professionals feel the same sense of pride when they eventually look back at their history in the TCA and remember fondly meeting the greats of today and yesterday.

Karen S. Hand
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TILT-UP TODAY, a publication of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association, is THE source for Tilt-Up industry news, market intelligence, business strategies, technical solutions, product information, and other resources for professionals in the Tilt-Up industry. A subscription to TILT-UP TODAY is included in a TCA membership. Subscriptions for potential TCA members are also available. If you would like to receive a complimentary subscription to the publication, please contact the TCA.