New Online TCA Account Access Interface

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA Nearly 20 percent of the TCA’s web traffic, which amounts to thousands of page views, comes from visitors researching companies associated with tilt-up construction — people looking up a member in the directory and viewing member profile pages. To best capitalize on this exposure, it is critical that your […]
TCA Publishes Tech Note on Tilt-Up Lifting Timelines using Reactive Bondbreakers

Tilt-Up Concrete Association Members may download a complimentary copy of the full tech note here. As anyone involved in any facet of construction can attest, rare is the occasion when a project proceeds from beginning to end without some sort of adjustment to the schedule. From weather-related interruptions to regulatory issues, any number of unforeseen, […]
Tomorrow Will Be Different Than Today or Yesterday

by Kimberly J Corwin, FTCA For those of you that know me, you also know that “Change is Constant” is one of my favorite phrases. We have a constant reminder of this on a plaque that hangs in our house that my husband has had forever, it reads “It’s what you do next that matters […]
Tilt-Up Concrete Association Announces 2020 Tilt-Up Project and Professional Honors Call for Entry

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) – a non-profit international organization that serves to expand and improve the use of tilt-up as the preferred building system – has announced a call for entries for the 2020 Tilt-Up Awards. Each year, the TCA honors those organizations, people and projects that successfully […]
TCA Announces “Collective Position on Temporary Construction Site Shutdown Procedures”

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA Shutting down any construction site at any point in the construction process requires the construction team to assess and address potential risks associated with an unoccupied jobsite. Shutting down a tilt-up jobsite, particularly during, or immediately following, the erection of wall panels presents a unique set of challanges that […]
New Book Presents Tilt-Up Design Procedure With Potential Economic Benefits

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA The Tilt-Up Concrete Association announces the availability of Limit Design of Tilt-Up: Practical Applications of Nonlinear Static Analysis to the In-Plane Seismic Design of Tilt-Up Panels by Timothy W. Mays, Ph.D., P.E. The Limit Design procedure that is developed and formally presented in this design guide meets the strength […]
Tackling Winter Tilt-Up With Concrete Sensors

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA by Shawn Hickey, CCS., GSC., FTCA The first question we always hear: “Can you build tilt-up panels in the winter?” Answer: “Of course we can, eh!” ACI 306R-16 (Guide to Cold Weather Concreting) states: “The conditions of cold weather concreting exist when the air temperature has fallen to, or […]
Rain Screens: Tilt-Up Façade Options for Achieving Barrier Conditions

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA by James Baty, FACI, FTCA What Is a Barrier Condition? Over the past few decades, building teams have increased their attention to the performance of the building envelope. This attention has prompted design professionals to seek critical solution information from manufacturers, contractors, and from the industries themselves, to learn […]
The Tilt-Up Concrete Association Announces Call for Presentations for 2020 Tilt-Up Convention and Expo

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA Share your expertise with the tilt-up industry at the 2020 Tilt-Up Convention and Expo, October 8-10, at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch in St. Louis, MO. What topics is the TCA looking for? The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) is looking for a wide array of topics that are […]
Tilt-Up Concrete Association Seeks Participation In Regional Detail Study

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA In an effort to better understand the myriad approaches to common tilt-up construction details (which vary from region to region), the Tilt-Up Concrete Association is calling on member architects, engineers and contractors to participate in a new study. The study, spearheaded by TCA’s new young professionals’ collaborative, TILT (Tilt-Up […]
Tilt Wall Ontario Takes Lead on Massive Muskoka Bay Resort Expansion

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA New five-story condominium requires 381 panels, 13.4 million pounds of concrete, and one of Ontario’s largest cranes When it comes to premium accommodations, Muskoka Bay Resort is Ontario’s resident expert. The sprawling vacation property is well known for its luxurious private villas and lofts, as well as being known […]
Tilt-Up’s Big Fish Celebrate In Atlanta

Español | Translation Sponsored by TCA Nearly six hundred of the tilt-up industry’s brightest gathered on September 27, 2019 to honor those organizations, people and projects that have successfully illustrated the variety, beauty and flexibility of tilt-up construction. The Tilt-Up Awards Gala, sponsored by Nox-Crete, was held at the world-famous Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, where […]