The most complex requirement of this building was that the entire building (foundations, slab and roof) sloped 1/2% resulting in one end being 3.5' lower than the other end. The north-south foundations were level while east-west foundations sloped. Square panels were set on the sloped and level perimeter foundations with end panels out of square to properly meet up with plumb panels. East-west panels that formed interior rooms had no square corners!
In addition, both exterior and interior panels were required to have a Class A finish with no textured paint. The Owner's expectation was for perfectly flat walls with no shadows whatsoever.
Because of limited space on-site, panels had to be cast on the floor slab. Because of the numerous interior tilt panels we had to cast and erect panels in three phases. Also we had to construct decks that bridged over interior foundations to provide a greater casting area. These decks had to be dismantled while panels were in the air to expose the foundation for panel setting. Also these decks made obtaining a shadow free finish that much more difficult.
Austell, GA 30168
United States