AH Harris Construction Supplies is a full service Distribution company serving the Construction Industry Since 1916. In the Tilt-Up market AH Harris can provide engineering, inserts, chemicals, brace rentals, and Tilt Accessories for all your Tilt-up needs. AH Harris is a Sustaining Member of the TCA and a strong supporter of the Tilt Up Industry as a whole.
Sustaining Member since 1995
433 S Main St Ste 202
West Hartford, Connecticut 06110-2812
(518) 438-3976
Supplier: Distributor, Supplier: Manufacturer
Displaying 10 of 10 award-winning projects.
While physical office locations are presented below for this company, it is important to understand that many tilt-up professionals work regionally, nationally, even globally. Listed here are this company's areas of operation/licensure.
Country: United States
433 S Main St Ste 202
West Hartford, Connecticut 06110-2812
Phone: (518) 438-3976
Accessories, Adhesives, Admixtures, Anchors, Bond Breakers, Bracing Systems, Brick/Block/Tile, Caulk & Sealants, Chairs and Spacers, Chamfers, Cleaning Products, Coatings/Sealers, Concrete Placement Equipment, Concrete Sawing-Drilling & Core Equipment, Connections/Embeds, Corner Guards, Curing Compounds, Curing Equipment, Cylinder/Beam Molds, Dust Control Products/Equipment, Epoxies, Erection Systems/Hardware, Expansion Joint Sealing Systems, Finishing Supplies & Equipment, Form Release Agents & Coatings, Formliners, Forms/Molds, Grouts, Hardeners, Inserts/Hardware, Insulation, Insulation Systems, Material Handling Equipment, Paints/Stains, Reinforcement - Epoxy Coated Rebar, Reinforcing Steel Cutting/Bending/Fabrication, Retarders, Sealers, Shims/Bearing Pads, Splicing Systems/Splices, Tools, Vibrators & Vibration Equipment, Voids, Wire Ties & Accessories
TCA's Tilt-Up Academy Private Classrooms offer a dedicated selection of continuing education offerings curated for your organization. Access is streamlined for company employees and reports are submitted to employers for goal tracking. For more information on this program, contact the TCA at (319) 360-8738 or email mbloomquist@tilt-up.org.