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White Cap

Company Profile


Sustaining Member since 1995

Location (View all locations)

783 Thorpe Rd
Orlando, Florida 32824-8014
(407) 859-4932

Primary Contact

Services (View all products)

Supplier: Distributor

Logo for White Cap

Representative Work

Tilt-Up Today Magazine  /  Members in the News


Michael Tate, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Erik Mazurski, Member, Convention Host Committee - Phoenix
Michael Tate, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Nashville (Mid South)
Michael Tate, Member, Convention Host Committee - Tampa
Erik Mazurski, Member, Convention Host Committee - Phoenix
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - St. Louis
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - St. Louis
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Virtual
John Paesano, Treasurer, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
John Paesano, Treasurer, Executive Committee
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - St. Louis
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - St. Louis
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - St. Louis
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual
White Cap, Sponsor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual
White Cap, Exhibitor - Tilt-Up Convention and Expo 2020 - Virtual
John Paesano, Director, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
John Paesano, Panelist, Future Think 2.0 Panel
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - St. Louis
John Paesano, Director, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Dallas
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Atlanta
John Adams, Member, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Miami
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Dallas
John Adams, Member, Tilt-Up Series Planning Committee - DC/NOVA
John Adams, Member, Tilt-Up Concrete Association Board of Directors
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Miami
Tim Corrigan, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver
Tim Corrigan, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver
Gary Joe Hayden, Member, Convention Host Committee - Denver

Recognition (Professional)

Tim Corrigan - Murray Parker Memorial Award

Recognition (Project)

Displaying 0 of 0 award-winning projects.


While physical office locations are presented below for this company, it is important to understand that many tilt-up professionals work regionally, nationally, even globally. Listed here are this company's areas of operation/licensure.

Country: United States


White Cap

783 Thorpe Rd
Orlando, Florida 32824-8014

Phone: (407) 859-4932


Anchors, Bond Breakers, Bracing Systems, Curing Compounds, Expansion Joint Sealing Systems, Formliners, Hardeners


TCA's Tilt-Up Academy Private Classrooms offer a dedicated selection of continuing education offerings curated for your organization. Access is streamlined for company employees and reports are submitted to employers for goal tracking. For more information on this program, contact the TCA at (319) 360-8738 or email mbloomquist@tilt-up.org.